Edmonton Journal

MOL, Clifford Dean

January 10, 1963 - October 9, 2023


Clifford Dean Mol, scientist, mentor, and friend, passed away in October of 2023. Cliff's influence on science, colleagues, family, and friends was profound and will long be remembered by those who knew him. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, on January 10, 1963, to immigrants from the Netherland­s, he was a lifelong fan of the Edmonton Oilers hockey team. The second of three brothers, he was first person in his family to attend the University of Alberta, where he achieved FirstClass Honours and his Ph.D. in Biochemist­ry.

In 1993, Cliff began his postdoctor­al training in San Diego, California, and went on to join several private firms holding the positions of Principal Scientist to Director. Cliff is recognized for having published numerous first-author papers in the world's leading journals on his research in the areas of DNA repair, and treatments for lupus, diabetes, and cancer. It is a testimony to Cliff's important contributi­ons that these papers continue to be used and cited today. Following this distinguis­hed career, Cliff retired from science at the age of 50.

In 2010 he met and fell in love with Mikel Lynn Bedinger in San Diego. They purchased their dream home on the Long Tom River near Eugene, Oregon and were married in 2014. Cliff was active in the local Garden Club, supporting Mikel who was President. Cliff excelled in poker tournament­s, consistent­ly placing in the top three, and he often led his team to victory in local trivia tournament­s. Cliff regularly visited and actively supported his family in Edmonton, including being best man at Rodney's wedding. Sadly, he suffered from heart disease and passed away while admitted to hospital October 9, 2023.

Cliff is survived by his spouse Mikel, his brother Rodney, sister-in-law Sherrie, nephews Brett and Brook, niece Heather, and extended family in the Netherland­s. Cliff was loved and respected by his family, friends, and colleagues in academia and industry. We remember Cliff for his important contributi­ons while following an unconventi­onal path as a scientist, for being a champion of students, and for always being a colourful character who spoke the truth even if it was not always appreciate­d. All those who got to know and work with Cliff would come to understand his unflinchin­g integrity, generosity, kindness, and legendary sense of humor. His warm friendship and openness to sharing his ideas left an indelible positive mark on our lives.

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