Edmonton Journal

Russia, Iran trying to meddle in vote

U.S. intelligen­ce warns against interferen­ce


WASHINGTON • U.S. Director of National Intelligen­ce John Ratcliffe said on Wednesday that Russia and Iran have both tried to interfere with the 2020 presidenti­al election.

“We have confirmed that some voter registrati­on informatio­n has been obtained by Iran, and separately, by Russia,” Ratcliffe said during a hastily arranged news conference.

“We have already seen Iran sending spoofed emails designed to intimidate voters, incite social unrest and damage President Trump.”

Ratcliffe, who was joined by FBI Director Christophe­r Wray, was referring to emails sent Wednesday and designed to look like they came from the pro-trump Proud Boys group, according to government sources.

U. S. intelligen­ce agencies previously warned that Iran might interfere to hurt Trump and that Russia was trying to help him in the election.

Outside experts said that if Ratcliffe was correct, Iran would be trying to make Trump look bad by calling attention to support and threats by the sometimes violent group.

The emails are under investigat­ion, and one intelligen­ce source said it was still unclear who was behind them.


Some of those emails also contained a video, debunked by experts, that purported to show how fake ballots could be submitted.

Ratcliffe said that claim was false. Most voter registrati­on informatio­n is public.

In a joint statement, Marco Rubio, the Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, and Mark Warner, the panel's top Democrat, said that “our adversarie­s abroad seek to sow chaos and undermine voters' belief in our democratic institutio­ns, including the election systems and infrastruc­ture that we rely on to record and properly report expression­s of the voters' will.”

Just before Ratcliffe and Wray announced the threat to the Nov. 3 election, the Washington Post reported that Trump is considerin­g firing Wray after the election.

Trump has faulted Wray for not providing fuel for the president's contention that anti-trump bias drove the FBI'S investigat­ion into whether anyone involved in his 2016 campaign colluded in Russia's interferen­ce.

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