Edmonton Journal

Biz investment feels the fallout

Rise in tension between U.S. and China far from good news for Canada: experts


A sharp escalation in U.s.-china trade tensions will likely dampen commodity prices and keep Canadian capital investment­s in a tight holding pattern when they ought to be taking off, analysts say.

A range of factors, including a softening Canadian dollar, Ottawa’s introducti­on of immediate writeoffs of capital investment­s last fall and a long run of global expansion should have set the stage for a spike in business spending by now, said Doug Porter, chief economist at BMO Financial Markets.

Instead, economists such as Porter are calling for business investment to be close to flat this year despite a brief bounce in the first quarter.

“We are 10 years into a cycle and normally this is the natural point where capital spending starts to pick up in a meaningful way,” Porter said. “But it’s not happening. That’s partly due to concerns about pipeline capacity but also trade uncertaint­y. It’s that indirect channel that’s of greatest risk to Canada at this point.”

U.S. President Donald Trump announced plans last week to pin a 10 per cent tariff on a further US$300 billion in Chinese imports — effectivel­y extending U.S. levies to cover all US$500 billion in goods shipped into the country from the Asian superpower.

Tensions deepened on Monday when Chinese authoritie­s suspended purchases of U.S. agricultur­al products and allowed the yuan to depreciate above 7 to the dollar for the first time in a decade, a move the U.S. treasury labelled as currency manipulati­on.

Analysts were less concerned, indicating the tussle over currency manipulati­on is expected to have few practical implicatio­ns. Indeed, the move represents a two per cent change during a year when the currency has already moved by 10 per cent, suggesting the shift is largely symbolic, said Porter.

Similarly, with about 40 per cent of the latest U.S. tariffs affecting consumer goods such as cellphones, toys and clothing, according to an analysis by CIBC World Markets, U.S. shoppers are expected to feel the most pain from Trump’s latest salvo in the trade wars — though cross-border supply chains that depend on Chinese imports could also be disrupted.

Further, U.S. tariffs on US$500 billion of Chinese imports is unlikely to inflict severe damage on the US$17 trillion economy of Canada’s largest trading partner.

However, the escalation in trade tensions between the world’s two biggest superpower­s is far from good news for Canada.

“Canada is a trading nation and the rules of trade are changing because the biggest economy in the world says it doesn’t like how things are going,” said Ian de Verteuil of CIBC World Markets.

“It is making moves that undermine the WTO, it is demanding change.

“For Canada that’s not good in aggregate.”

It’s that indirect channel that’s of greatest risk to Canada at this point.

The latest developmen­ts point to the hardening of an already-disruptive trade conflict and a possible attempt by Trump to stake out a claim as the candidate toughest on China in the run-up to the 2020 U.S. presidenti­al elections, de Verteuil wrote in a report.

A recent poll from the Pew Research Center found that the proportion of Americans that believe China is either an adversary or a serious threat is the highest in a decade.

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