Edmonton Journal

Tobacco lobbyists have too much pull with NDP: coalition


An anti-smoking coalition is accusing the Alberta government of holding private meetings with tobacco industry lobbyists.

Campaign For A Smoke Free Alberta says the industry may be exerting undue influence on NDP lawmakers.

The coalition says the province has failed to enact changes to tobacco legislatio­n passed by the previous government.

Those changes included restrictio­ns on tobacco sales to minors, a ban on flavoured tobacco products and protecting people from second-hand smoke at work.

The coalition also says the government has not increased tobacco taxes since 2015.

In a letter to Premier Rachel Notley, the coalition asks the government to disclose details of any meetings it has held with tobacco industry lobbyists.

“We believe that the tobacco industry still has the upper hand with government and may be exerting undue influence on the developmen­t of vital public health policies that are aimed at protecting youth, improving the quality of life and reducing demands on the health-care system,” reads the letter dated April 27.

It is signed by executive members of the Canadian Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation, The Lung Associatio­n, Alberta Public Health Associatio­n, Alberta Policy Coalition for Chronic Disease Prevention and Action on Smoking and Health.

“In the interests of public health, transparen­cy and responsibl­e governance, we ask your full cooperatio­n with our request for the full disclosure of private meetings with tobacco lobbyists.”

The coalition also points out that any private meetings with tobacco industry lobbyists would contravene a 2005 World Health Organizati­on agreement signed by Canada on a framework for tobacco control.

Officials with Notley’s office were not available for comment.

The coalition’s call for full disclosure comes as the legislatur­e is dealing with a government bill introduced last month called the Lobbyist Amendment Act.

When Bill 11 was introduced, Christina Gray, minister responsibl­e for democratic renewal, said the proposed changes would further regulate lobbyists and enhance oversight of their activities to improve confidence in government decision-making.

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