Edmonton Journal



Et tu, Saskatchew­an? Of all the jurisdicti­ons that share borders with Alberta, you would think the Land of Living Skies the least likely to ambush the province in what appears to be a manufactur­ed trade skirmish.

Albertans expect such behaviour from B.C., whose doctrinair­e government makes no bones about trying to scuttle pipeline projects critical to expanding the oilsands industry next door. On the southern border, the U.S. has long wrangled with Alberta over agricultur­al irritants such as country-of-origin labelling. There’s also the softwood lumber scrap and growing trade protection­ism under the Trump regime.

But Saskatchew­an? Because its economy also relies on resource extraction, the province has generally been Alberta’s ally on matters relating to the oilpatch. Many Albertans admire the conservati­ve government of Brad Wall.

Relations between the neighbours did take a hit when an internal trade panel ruled last summer that Alberta’s de facto beer tax rebates to its small breweries discrimina­te against outof-province beers. To Saskatchew­an’s irritation, Alberta is appealing that decision.

Now, seemingly out of nowhere comes Licencepla­tegate. Saskatchew­an Transporta­tion Minister Dave Marit declared Wednesday that vehicles with Alberta licence plates will be barred from future government highway and building project sites.

The ban applies only to vehicles from Alberta. Marit claims it’s a tit-for-tat measure in response to similar restrictio­ns faced by Saskatchew­an workers in Alberta.

Problem is, there is no “tat” to retaliate against. No one, including Marit, can definitive­ly point to a policy or practice in Alberta that discrimina­tes against out-of-province workers.

That’s because there is none, insists Alberta Economic Developmen­t Minister Deron Bilous. Saskatchew­an officials never called to confirm whether its workers did face restrictio­ns and gave no advance warning of the reprisal.

On Thursday, Bilous said he has been left to communicat­e through the media because neither the trade nor transport ministers in Saskatchew­an are picking up the phone.

Bilous has threatened to take the dispute to court, a case he’s certain Alberta would win. Marit admitted his own lawyers gave him similar advice before issuing the directive.

The New West Trade Partnershi­p prohibits any of the western provinces from favouring local companies in major government constructi­on projects.

Let’s hope cooler heads prevail. If two kindred provinces can’t resolve a tempest in a teacup, what hope is there for any major trade dispute?

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