Edmonton Journal

Woman accuses Weinstein’s brother



Two weeks after two highprofil­e exposés revealed Harvey Weinstein’s three-decade history of dodging sexual assault allegation­s (accusation­s of which are now approachin­g 50), the producer officially resigned from the board of The Weinstein Company on Tuesday.

On the same day, Amanda Segel, a producer on the company’s Spike TV series The Mist, revealed to Variety that Weinstein’s brother and company co-founder Bob had made numerous sexual advances in her direction, despite her rejections.

“‘No’ should be enough,” Segel said. “After ‘no,’ anybody who has asked you out should just move on. Bob kept referring to me that he wanted to have a friendship. He didn’t want a friendship. He wanted more than that. My hope is that ‘no’ is enough from now on.”

According to Variety, the advances began when Bob invited Segel to dinner in June 2016. She declined, telling him she was not interested in pursuing a romantic relationsh­ip. Regardless, he continued to pursue her, even allegedly “joking” that he would fire her if she continued to refuse him. Segel eventually threatened to leave the show, leading Fox and TWC to form an agreement that said, for her to continue working on the show, she and Bob could never be in the same room or even be on a phone call together.

Bob’s lawyer Bert Fields made the following statement on the matter to The Hollywood Reporter: “Variety’s story about Bob Weinstein is riddled with false and misleading assertions by Ms. Segel and we have the emails to prove it, but even if you believe what she says it contains not a hint of any inappropri­ate touching or even any request for such touching. There is no way in the world that Bob Weinstein is guilty of sexual harassment, and even if you believed what this person asserts there is no way it would amount to that.”

Last week, Bob spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about Harvey’s history, saying, “I’m mortified and disgusted by my brother’s actions. And I am sick for the victims. And I feel for them. I feel for them.”

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Bob Weinstein

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