Edmonton Journal

Alberta mother pleads guilty after child left alone in freezing SUV


LETHBRIDGE A southern Alberta mother who left her child in a locked and freezing SUV while the woman went drinking has pleaded guilty to failing to provide the necessarie­s of life.

The 25-year-old entered the plea in a Lethbridge court and is to be sentenced Jan. 26.

She cannot be named to protect the identity of the child.

Court heard a passerby called police last December after hearing a child crying, and officers had to smash into the vehicle to rescue the three-year-old.

They found the intoxicate­d woman in a nearby bar and she told them she had forgotten about her child.

Another woman charged in the case is to go to trial in March.

An agreed statement of facts said officers first found a girl who was crying and cold to the touch. After they sent the girl to hospital, they searched the SUV and found a four-year-old boy curled up in a ball under a pile of jackets and shivering.

Court heard both were wearing winter coats, but police noted it was snowing that night and the temperatur­e was -18 C.

A report prepared by a pediatric specialist said both children were suffering from mild or early hypothermi­a, but neither suffered any long-term physical harm.

The specialist couldn’t say how much longer the children would have lasted.

It was noted that there was a risk of severe hypothermi­a, frostbite and even death.

The investigat­ion revealed that the woman had been in the bar for about an hour.

Defence lawyer Darcy Shurtz asked that a pre-sentence report be prepared for his client.

He suggested it should take into account the woman’s Indigenous heritage.

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