Edmonton Journal

Top doctor urges public to get flu shot


Flu outbreaks have already struck in Alberta, warn health officials.

But starting Monday, everyone six months and older can take advantage of free flu shots.

“We have seen cases and outbreaks of influenza already,” Dr. Christophe­r Sikora, medical officer of health, Edmonton zone, said in a Friday release.

“You may be healthy now, but, without immunizati­on, everyone is at risk. Prevention is your only protection.”

The vaccine will be available at hundreds of Alberta Health Services (AHS) public influenza immunizati­on clinics, as well as at many pharmacist­s and physician offices around the province.

Over a six-month period last season, more than 1,600 Albertans were hospitaliz­ed with the flu and up to 64 Albertans died with it, the release said.

Influenza causes more emergency department visits than heart attacks and strokes, according to AHS.

“Influenza does not discrimina­te,” Sikora said, noting immunizati­on is the most effective means of protecting against the strains of influenza virus because strains change from season to season.

“Though some Albertans are at greater risk of severe complicati­ons, no one is naturally immune to influenza. Please don’t take the risk. Influenza can be one less thing we battle this winter. For yourself, and your loved ones, get immunized.”

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