Edmonton Journal

UCP leadership race still has no female contenders

- JAMES WOOD jwood@postmedia.com

The United Conservati­ve Party appears to be in a position of strength as contenders vie to be the first leader, but as the new party takes shape it faces questions over whether issues around diversity could be an Achilles heel.

The deadline to enter the UCP leadership contest was last Tuesday and the roster of candidates, as expected, was filled out by the four men who had already declared — Jeff Callaway, Brian Jean, Jason Kenney and Doug Schweitzer.

For Lana Cuthbertso­n, the chairwoman of Alberta’s northern chapter of Equal Voice Canada — a group dedicated to increasing the number of women in politics — the lack of women in the race is “disappoint­ing.”

And in an interview, she said it could be a potential problem for the new party as it finds its place on the Alberta political landscape.

“Having more women in your political party, especially these days, is strategica­lly advantageo­us,” said Cuthbertso­n.

“The fact that this party doesn’t have any women running for the leadership, while it’s not surprising, is probably not a great thing for (them) ... On the other hand, it’s really going to come down to how much of an effort is the party ultimately going to make to recruit female candidates. That’s going to be huge.”

The UCP was founded this summer when Wildrose and Progressiv­e Conservati­ve members voted to create a new party. Polls have shown the UCP to be in a strong position to take on the NDP government in the 2019 provincial election, but a Mainstreet Research survey released in August suggested the party is less popular among women than men.

At one point, the Tories and Wildrose each had a woman leader as premier Alison Redford and opposition leader Danielle Smith squared off in the legislatur­e. But in the new 27-member UCP caucus, only two MLAs — Leela Aheer and Angela Pitt — are women.

That stands in contrast to Premier Rachel Notley’s NDP government, which boasts of its gender parity.

The last PC leadership race began with two women in the running but both Donna KennedyGla­ns and Sandra Jansen dropped out, with Jansen citing harassment before later defecting to the NDP government.

Cuthbertso­n said she’s uncertain if there’s lingering fallout from that situation, but it’s important for the UCP to show it is a welcoming party.

Those seeking the UCP leadership say not to read too much into the lack of women candidates.

Former PC leader Kenney said in a recent interview that the makeup of the field is “circumstan­tial” and polls indicate that a majority of Alberta women will support the new party.

But Kenney said he is committed to diversity and would reach out to women to encourage them to run for the UCP if elected leader.

“I’m committed to do everything we can to ensure a highly competent, principled, diverse slate of candidates in the next election,” he said, noting that as a federal minister over half of his appointmen­ts to commission­s had been women.

Jean also touted his bona fides on the issue, saying in a statement that more than half of his campaign team were women and that he had won the endorsemen­t of Aheer and Pitt.

It’s really going to come down to how much of an effort is the party ultimately going to make to recruit female candidates.

“I will actively seek out and promote strong conservati­ve women to stand for nomination­s and seek leadership positions in our party because it’s critically important that we don’t just have women at the decision making table, but also in positions of influence throughout our political organizati­on,” he said.

Schweitzer, a corporate lawyer, also pledged to encourage “a record number of women to run in 2019.”

Callaway said one of the jobs of the new UCP leader will be to ensure that rules don’t throw up barriers to running.

He noted that the leadership race’s high cost of entry — $95,000 — may have contribute­d to having no women in the race.

“The rules need to be fair,” said Callaway, an investment adviser and former president of the Wildrose party.

Besides the lack of women, the UCP leadership slate is also all white.

It’s also heavily slanted to Calgary, with three of the four candidates — Kenney, Schweitzer and Callaway — from the city while Jean is from Fort McMurray. There is no candidate from Edmonton, the provincial capital and second-largest city.

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