Edmonton Journal

Israelis reach for firearms

- Calev Ben-David

JERUSALEM • Business is booming at Krav, a Jerusalem store selling guns and other self-defence items, as Israelis worried by a surge in Palestinia­n attacks rush to arm themselves.

“I want a gun not so much because I’m worried for my own safety, but because I’ll be better prepared to protect other people from attacks,” said Jerusalem resident Netanel Oberman, 22, who just completed Israel’s compulsory military service.

The government responded to the rising demand for weapons with a decision Wednesday to ease gun ownership rules, including allowing some municipali­ties to issue temporary licences for the first time.

Seven Israelis have been killed this month in stabbing and shooting attacks, and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, filmed recently carrying his own Glock pistol, has called for legal gun owners to arm themselves.

“In recent weeks many citizens helped the Israeli police neutralize terrorists,” Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said in a statement. “Citizens trained in the use of firearms can be a force multiplier in the struggle against terrorism.”

Others disagree, including human rights groups concerned that more guns will fuel vigilante justice against Palestinia­ns, including attackers who are shot dead even when they no longer pose an immediate threat. At least 31 Palestinia­ns have also been killed, including assailants shot by Israeli civilians.

“We are already seeing a trend of excessive lethal force by security officers, and putting more guns in the hands of untrained civilians would be just adding another layer to this phenomenon,” says Sarit Michaeli, spokeswoma­n for the Israeli group B’Tselem.

Israel isn’t a country awash in guns, contrary to a popular perception fuelled by images of army-age Israeli teenagers toting assault rifles while off duty on Tel Aviv beaches.

In reality, fewer than four per cent of Israelis are licensed to carry personal firearms, compared to one in three Americans.

Gun ownership is generally restricted to securityre­lated personnel, those whose occupation­s expose them to robbery, upper-rank military veterans, and residents of potentiall­y dangerous areas, such as West Bank settlement­s. The licensing applicatio­n and renewal processes include both regular medical exams and marksmansh­ip testing.

But ownership may soon swell, owing to rising numbers of licence applicatio­ns and the easier access.

The new ministry regulation­s will now permit licences for lower-ranking military veterans and other government employees who have had security training. They also tighten rules on shooting-range experience, requiring it annually instead of once every three years.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday said he would be “perfectly open” to meeting with Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas in order to end weeks of Israeli-Palestinia­n unrest.

There was no immediate comment from Abbas’ office.

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