Edmonton Journal

Design a garden for all the senses


The silky petals of a fragrant pink shrub rose; the crunchy texture of a gravel path; a nook where grass rustles and a stream runs. What we smell, see, hear, touch and taste can make a garden walk a wonderful sensory experience.

If you’re designing a garden, consider creating one that’s a feast for one, several or all of the senses.

If you want to create your own sensory garden, consider two things: your area’s hardiness zone and which senses you want to focus on. The former can be ascertaine­d at garden. org; knowing your zone will help you choose plants that will thrive. As for the senses, think about what attracts you to a garden. Is it mostly the scents, or is it the visuals? Perhaps you’re moved by how elements in a garden sound. Or are you a tactile person who likes to touch every plant, rock and tree?

Make sure guests to your garden can linger and enjoy its sensory pleasures, says Margie Grace, a garden designer and owner of Grace Design Associates in Santa Barbara, Calif.

“There should be places to sit; places to slow down; places to feel the warmth of the sun, drink in the fragrant flowers, and hear the trickle of a stream or the music of wind chimes,” she says.

Sensory gardens are also a great way to involve kids in gardening, says Emily Jackson of the Appalachia­n Sustainabl­e Agricultur­al Project in Asheville, N.C. Make a sensory garden for kids as circuitous as you can, she says, with winding paths and structures that double as hiding places. Bean teepees and sunflower houses are a big hit.


A swath of cool blues, purples and whites provides a soothing atmosphere. Warm yellows, oranges and reds are more energetic. Varieties of green — pines, grasses, ornamental shrubs — can bring a Zen vibe to the garden.

You may want to add some artistic elements as well, especially if you have small children: hanging ribbons or mobiles, or ornamental­s that attract wildlife. Consider bee balm, red columbine, lantana and trumpet vine to draw hummingbir­ds. Echinacea, buddleia, black-eyed susan, Joe Pye weed, coreopsis and violets will call the butterflie­s.

How is the garden experience­d at night?

“Think of white blooms and foliage to reflect moonlight, lights under water with a rippled effect,” Grace says.


Consider plants with an interestin­g feel. Fuzzy lamb’s ears, soft mosses and succulents, cottony silver sage, prickly or spiky thistles, broom, conifers and other trees with intriguing bark.

For the hardscapin­g, you’ll want pebbles, stones or gravel, or a padded path of grass, fine mulch or sand.


Put seating near rustling grasses or hard-stemmed plants like bamboo that make knocking noises in a breeze.

Deciduous tree leaves whoosh, and pine trees whisper.

A little portable trickling fountain makes even a small garden feel grounded in nature.

A wind chime may play a tune in the slightest breath of air.


Plant edibles like nasturtium­s, mint, pansies and berries that can be eaten right off the bush as visitors walk your garden.


Jasmine, geranium, rose, honeysuckl­e, gardenia, lavender. If your zone allows for one or two of these heady scents, you’ll have a featured performer in your sensory garden.

Herbs like lemon balm, thyme and peppermint are aromatic and easy to grow. Consider blending scented plants like chocolate cosmos and mock orange; pineapple sage and vanilla-scented clethra; curry plant and ornamental pine or cedar.

Besides jasmine, Grace suggests Fringe Tree, Lilac and Carolina Jessamine as fragrant botanicals that grow in many zones.

Night bloomers like tuberose, moonflower, white nicotiana, and peacock orchid have intense perfumes that give the evening garden a chance to perform.

Be mindful of planting them too close to a bedroom window, however, if there are sensitive noses indoors.

 ?? DONNA BALZER CONSULTING ?? Nasturtium­s look nice and have a peppery flavour.
DONNA BALZER CONSULTING Nasturtium­s look nice and have a peppery flavour.

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