CBC Edition

Want more family doctors in Ontario? Pay them better, say physicians

- Mike Crawley

As the number of people across Ontario without a family doctor reaches a record high, Premier Doug Ford's government is facing a fresh push to make family practice more at‐ tractive to physicians by improving compensati­on.

The contract that covers how doctors are paid in this province, known as the physi‐ cian services agreement, ex‐ pires at the end of March. The government is in negoti‐ ations with the Ontario Med‐ ical Associatio­n (OMA), the doctors' bargaining agent, on a new deal.

Family doctors' pay in par‐ ticular is in the spotlight in those talks, in a way that it hasn't been for a long time.

That's in part because there's a growing chorus of physicians arguing that com‐ pensation is one of the key root causes why at least 2.2 million Ontarians don't have a family doctor, a number forecast to nearly double in just a few years.

"The reality is the current contract that we have is mod‐ elled on the economics of 2001 and not on 2024," said Dr. Sohail Gandhi, a family doctor in the town of Stayner, near Collingwoo­d, and a former president of the OMA.

"The workload has gone up, the need for extra staff has gone up and the gross billings that we get haven't been able to keep up," said Gandhi in an interview with CBC News.

Over the past 10 years, in‐ flation as measured by Statis‐ tics Canada has totalled about 25 per cent. During the same period, the average family physician's yearly billings to OHIP have risen just 5.1 per cent, according to figures provided by the OMA.

A typical Ontario family doctor's practice runs like a small business, with costs for staff, rent and other over‐ head paid out of their revenue from OHIP billings. But unlike the typical small business, Ontario family doc‐ tors can't just arbitraril­y boost their prices to bring in more money.

OHIP revenue 'stagnant' as costs rise

The erosion of net income is a significan­t factor in some family doctors choosing to retire, shifting into another area of medicine, or opting not to open a family practice in the first place, says Dr. Ramsey Hijazi, a family physi‐ cian in Ottawa and the founder of the Ontario Union of Family Physicians.

"Our revenue is com‐ pletely stagnant and all our costs continue to go up," said Hijazi in an interview. "Most businesses would go bank‐ rupt."

Dr. Mekalai Kumanan, who practices in Cambridge and is the president of the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP), says many of her colleagues are ques‐ tioning the financial sustain‐ ability of their practices.

"What we're hearing from family doctors across this province is that they're actu‐ ally struggling to keep up with the rising costs of run‐ ning a clinic," Kumanan said in an interview.

"With a really large num‐ ber of patients who don't have access to family physi‐ cians, we certainly need to be thinking about retention and how we can keep family physicians in practice," she said.

All the family physicians interviewe­d for this story say the financial pressures of running a clinic contribute to a growing reluctance among medical school graduates to choose family practice when they launch their careers.

Fewer grads choosing family medicine

Barely 30 per cent of last year's grads ranked family medicine as their first choice for their specialty training, according to data from the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS). The figure was 38 per cent in 2015, and has been on the decline for years.

That dwindling supply of family medicine residents in turn becomes an even small‐ er number of doctors choos‐ ing to enter family practice after finishing their resi‐ dency.

With some prominent family doctors now publicly discouragi­ng grads against launching a practice, it's hard to see how the trend re‐ verses.

Last month, the Ford gov‐ ernment announced a deal with the OMA for a retroac‐ tive 2.8 per cent increase in compensati­on in 2023-24, the final year of the current physician services agreement.

WATCH | Why aren't more doctors going into family medicine?

"I'm sorry, 2.8 per cent is a bagel and coffee," said Dr. Alykhan Abdulla, a family doctor in Manotick, a suburb in Ottawa's south end. "It's going to give me that much

more incentive to tell every‐ body to not consider family medicine."

Ontario has two general models for paying family doc‐ tors through OHIP:

How much do family doctors get paid?

Family doctors don't have complete freedom to choose between those models. The Ministry of Health has long had restrictio­ns on how many physicians can join the capitation system, and the OMA wants those lifted.

Here are some examples of what OHIP actually pays in these two systems:

$256.34 for a male pa‐ tient aged 60-64 to be on the doctor's roster for a year. $37.95 for the most commonly billed patient visit, called an "intermedia­te assess‐ ment."

"I got a haircut yesterday and it cost me $40," quipped Gandhi during his interview.

"There's this stigma that family doctors are absolutely rich and they make so much money," said Hijazi. "People are shocked when they hear that you make $38 off a visit."

Some doctors suggest comparing that figure with what a typical Canadian in‐ surance company pays for 30 minutes of massage therapy ($73), an acupunctur­e ap‐ pointment ($100), or an hour with a psychologi­st ($240).

Meanwhile, private clinics are popping up in Ontario where nurse practition­ers charge patients $80 for a consultati­on, double what OHIP pays a doctor.

The Ministry of Health re‐ imburses pharmacies up to $75 for an over-the-phone review of the medication­s a patient is taking.

Ford promises 'great deal' for doctors

"It's insulting, it's so demoral‐ izing for physicians to know that we are stuck in this mod‐ el where our services are not valued," Hijazi said. "Contrary to (politician­s) calling us health-care heroes … they don't actually value our work and that's become very clear."

CBC News asked Ford dur‐ ing an unrelated news con‐ ference on Friday whether his government is willing to pay family doctors more.

"We're going to support the family doctors and by the way, I want to thank them all, they do an incredible, incredi‐ ble job," Ford said in re‐ sponse. "You're all absolute champions and we'll be able to come up with a great deal."

Ford also described the amount of paperwork that family doctors have to do as their "number one issue" and said the government is work‐ ing with the OMA to reduce that burden.

WATCH | Will the Ford government give family physicians a raise?

The average family physi‐ cian in the province spends 19 hours a week on adminis‐ trative tasks, according to an OCFP survey of its members last year.

Ontario doctors say while the paperwork burden does need to be reduced, the province could also bring in a related change to make family practice more appeal‐ ing: actually pay family physi‐ cians for medically necessary administra­tive tasks.

Family doctor numbers jumped after B.C. pay re‐ form

British Columbia recently re‐ vamped its payment system and is now compensati­ng family doctors for time spent reviewing lab results, consult‐ ing with other medical pro‐ fessionals and doing clinical administra­tive work.

Since the B.C. payment changes took effect, some 700 more family physicians have opened practices - a 20 per cent jump in just a year.

Abdulla expresses frustra‐ tion at the amount of time he spends on tasks that don't in‐ volve directly caring for pa‐ tients.

"Sending referrals, getting declined from referrals, fixing those referrals, dealing with all kinds of data inputs," Ab‐ dulla said in an interview. "Filling out a disability tax credit, filling out an insurance form, writing out a sick note for people, making sure that people get a handicap sticker - all of those things take up time."

The paperwork burden is one of the reasons why some 5,500 trained family physi‐ cians in Ontario are not actu‐ ally running a family practice, said Gandhi.

He says these family doc‐ tors are instead choosing to work solely in hospital emer‐ gency rooms, at walk-in clin‐ ics, or as associates to other medical specialist­s.

Province adding spots in medical schools

"We need to try and encour‐ age these people to get back into a comprehens­ive care family practice as much as possible because that could be done more quickly than training new physicians," he said.

The government has promised to boost the num‐ ber of doctors coming out of Ontario's medical schools by adding 260 undergradu­ate and 450 post-graduate spots by 2028.

Experts say there are oth‐ er ways the province could quickly connect more Ontari‐ ans to family doctors. One is to allow more physicians to practice in family health teams, alongside nurses, so‐ cial workers and other health profession­als supporting them to take on more patien‐ ts.

About 3.4 million patients are enrolled in the 184 such teams scattered around the province, according to figures from the Associatio­n of Family Health Teams of On‐ tario.

WATCH | What makes a family health team differ‐ ent from the typical doc‐ tor's office:

For the past decade, On‐ tario has made it all but im‐ possible for physicians to form new family health teams. All but three of the ex‐ isting teams were created be‐ tween 2005 and 2012.

The Ford government an‐ nounced plans last month to create new primary care teams to serve about 300,000 patients. Some will be full-fledged physician-led family health teams while others will involve teams of nurse practition­ers.

The federal government's new $3.1 billion healthcare funding deal with Ontario al‐ so requires the province to create new primary care teams to help more people connect to family doctors.

Expanding team-based care is one of the OMA's top priorities in the current nego‐ tiations, along with reducing the administra­tive burden and boosting compensati­on, says the organizati­on's chief executive Kimberly Moran.

"What we need to do is make sure that physicians' real income keeps pace with inflation, just at a fundamen‐ tal level," Moran said in an in‐ terview.

She says investing in family physicians will in the long-run be better for the province's finances and bet‐ ter for people's health.

"When you have a family doctor for every citizen, you'll see that cancers are detected earlier, you'll see the rates of hospitaliz­ation are much lower, you'll see that chronic illnesses are managed much more effectivel­y," said Moran.

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