Cape Breton Post

Solar probe reveals tiny ‘campfires' in new images


WASHINGTON — A solar probe built by the European Space Agency and NASA has delivered the closest photos ever taken of the sun's surface, revealing a landscape rife with thousands of tiny solar flares that scientists dubbed "campfires" and offering clues about the extreme heat of the outermost part of its atmosphere.

"When the first images came in, my first thought was, 'This is not possible — it can't be that good,'" David Berghmans, principal investigat­or for the Solar Orbiter spacecraft's ultraviole­t imager at the Royal Observator­y of Belgium, told reporters on Thursday.

The spacecraft, launched from Florida in February, snapped the images in late May using the probe's Extreme Ultraviole­t Imager as it orbited nearly 77 million kilometres from the sun's surface, or roughly halfway between the sun and Earth.

The "campfires" are believed to be tiny explosions, called nanoflares, and could explain why the sun's outer shield, the corona, is 300 times hotter than the star's surface. Scientists are awaiting more data from the spacecraft's other instrument­s to know for sure.

"We've never been closer to the sun with a camera, and this is just the beginning of the long epic journey of Solar Orbiter," said Daniel Müller, ESA's Solar Orbiter project scientist.

Scientists typically have relied upon Earth-based telescopes for closeups of the sun's surface. But Earth's atmosphere limits the amount of visible light needed to glean views as intimate as those obtained by the Solar Orbiter.

The spacecraft also carries plasma-sampling instrument­s to offer researcher­s further data.

"That combinatio­n really allows us to make links and connection­s to what's happening on the sun and what's happening at the spacecraft," said Holly Gilbert, Solar Orbiter project scientist at NASA.

Solar Orbiter's primary mission of examining the sun's polar regions will help researcher­s understand the origins of the solar wind, charged particles that blast through our solar system and affect satellites and electronic­s on Earth.

 ?? HANDOUT VIA REUTERS ?? A high-resolution image of the sun from the Extreme Ultraviole­t Imager taken with the HRIEUV telescope on NASA/ESA's Solar Orbiter spacecraft taken on May 30, 2020 — released by ESA July 16, 2020. The circle in the lower left corner indicates the size of Earth for scale.
HANDOUT VIA REUTERS A high-resolution image of the sun from the Extreme Ultraviole­t Imager taken with the HRIEUV telescope on NASA/ESA's Solar Orbiter spacecraft taken on May 30, 2020 — released by ESA July 16, 2020. The circle in the lower left corner indicates the size of Earth for scale.

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