Cape Breton Post

Virus leaves Jasper park unscathed but town needs years to rebound


JASPER — There’s an eerie feeling when you walk the streets of downtown Jasper now.

The serenity of the nearby rivers, lakes, and waterfalls is unchanged. The mountains are still as pristine as ever, unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic that has rocked the small town nestled below.

“It’s been devastatin­g for this community,” said Jasper Mayor Richard Ireland Thursday. “Every business has been affected in one way or another, some more than others, but everyone has been deeply impacted.

“The hope is that there will be enough to survive and next year people can look to regain some of what they had before, but it will be a multiyear project to get back to balance.”

When the gates to Jasper National Park closed March 25, many business owners were left shaken to the core. Uncertaint­y filled the air. As the gates reopened last Monday and the community began welcoming visitors once again, the uncertaint­y remained.

“On the issue of non-essential travel there has been some decided uncertaint­y from our perspectiv­e,” said Ireland. “We understand that the province is certainly comfortabl­e with in-province travel … but there are still so many unknowns with respect to travel restrictio­ns from other provinces.”

While Jasper is popularly known as a ski town, the summer season is where it really makes money, with close to 80 per cent of the overall commerce in the town being done through the summer months. Hotels typically enjoy 90 per cent occupancy May through September but projection­s estimate they’re looking at 30 per cent to 40 per cent occupancy this year, Ireland said.

With the Canadian borders closed due to the pandemic, the loss of the internatio­nal travellers is expected to hit Jasper the hardest.

“The internatio­nal visitor usually spends at a ratio of something like two-to-one, if not more, than the domestic traveller,” said James Jackson, president and CEO of Jasper Tourism. “So even if we hit 50 per cent occupancy, that does not necessaril­y equate to 50 per cent in revenues.”

Internatio­nal travellers make up close to 50 per cent of visitors in the summer months and a large chunk of the staff, too.

 ?? POSTMEDIA ?? Pedestrian­s cross the main street in downtown Jasper, Alta. on June 4.
POSTMEDIA Pedestrian­s cross the main street in downtown Jasper, Alta. on June 4.

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