Cape Breton Post

Iran seeks help reading downed plane’s black boxes in new standoff

U.S. and French authoritie­s asked for equipment to download informatio­n


DUBAI — Iran said it had asked the U.S. and French authoritie­s for equipment to download informatio­n from black boxes on a downed Ukrainian airliner, potentiall­y angering countries which want the recorders analyzed abroad.

Canada, 57 of whose citizens were among the 176 people killed in the crash, has said France should handle the flight data and voice recorders as one of the few nations with the capability. Kiev wants the recorders sent to Ukraine.

The U.S.-built Boeing 737 flown by Ukraine Internatio­nal Airlines was shot down in error on Jan. 8.

Tehran, already embroiled in a long-running standoff with the United States over its nuclear program that briefly erupted into tit-for-tat military strikes this month, has given mixed signals about whether it would hand over the recorders.

An Iranian aviation official had said on Saturday the black boxes would be sent to Ukraine, only to backtrack in comments reported a day later, saying they would be analyzed at home.

A further delay in sending them abroad is likely to increase internatio­nal pressure on Iran, whose military has said it shot the plane down by mistake while on high alert in the tense hours after Iran fired missiles at U.S. targets in Iraq.

Iran, which took several days to acknowledg­e its role in bringing down the plane and faced street protests at home as a result, launched its missiles at U.S. targets in response to a U.S. drone strike that killed a top Iranian commander on Jan. 3.

“If the appropriat­e supplies and equipment are provided, the informatio­n can be taken out and reconstruc­ted in a short period of time,” Iran’s Civil Aviation Organizati­on said in its second preliminar­y report on the disaster released late on Monday.

Its initial report was released just 24 hours after the incident, before Iran’s military acknowledg­ed its role.

A list of equipment Iran needs has been sent to French accident agency BEA and the U.S. National Transporta­tion Safety Board, the Iranian aviation body said.

“Until now, these countries have not given a positive response to sending the equipment to (Iran),” it said. It said two surfaceto-air TOR-M1 missiles had been launched minutes after the Ukrainian plane took off from Tehran.

Iran’s aviation body said in its report it did not have equipment needed to download informatio­n from the model of recorders on the three-year-old Boeing 737.

Iran has for years faced U.S. sanctions that limited its ability to purchase modern planes and buy products with U.S. technology. Many passenger planes used in Iran are decades old.

Under Tehran’s 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers, Iran received sanctions relief in return for curbing its nuclear work. But Washington reimposed U.S. sanctions after withdrawin­g from the pact in 2018, a move that led to the steady escalation of tension in recent months between the United States and Iran.

Responding to U.S. President Donald Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign designed to shut off Iran’s oil exports, Tehran has scaled back its commitment­s to the nuclear accord.

After Iran’s latest move this month to scrap limits on uranium enrichment, a process that can make material for nuclear warheads although Tehran denies any such aim, Britain, France and Germany triggered the nuclear pact’s dispute mechanism.

 ?? REUTERS ?? General view of the debris of the Ukraine Internatio­nal Airlines, flight PS752, Boeing 737-800 plane that crashed after takeoff from Iran’s Imam Khomeini airport, on the outskirts of Tehran.
REUTERS General view of the debris of the Ukraine Internatio­nal Airlines, flight PS752, Boeing 737-800 plane that crashed after takeoff from Iran’s Imam Khomeini airport, on the outskirts of Tehran.

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