Cape Breton Post

Tory staffer fired for urging senators to delay final vote on pot legalizati­on


Senators are being encouraged to postpone a vote on a bill to legalize recreation­al cannabis by a now-former employee of the Conservati­ve’s chief critic of the legislatio­n.

Sen. Claude Carignan said Friday he did not authorize Malcolm Armstrong, whom he’d hired on contract to advise him on the marijuana issue, to propose delaying the vote. The Conservati­ve senator called the idea “crazy’’ and unrealisti­c.

Indeed, Carignan said he fired Armstrong on Friday after finding out he’d circulated a paper among independen­t senators urging them to postpone the final vote on Bill C-45 until they hear back from a special committee that he suggested should be set up to study aspects of legalizati­on that have not yet been adequately considered.

A spokeswoma­n for Conservati­ve Senate leader Larry Smith disavowed the paper and said the Conservati­ves continue to abide by an agreement among all Senate factions to hold a final vote on the bill by June 7 — a timetable aimed at allowing the Trudeau government to meet its commitment to having retail sales of legal marijuana available late this summer.

That deadline could not have been met were senators to adopt the proposal advanced by Armstrong. In his paper, he argued that a special committee is needed to conduct a thorough examinatio­n of a lengthy list of complex issues — including the impact of high-potency cannabis on the formation of sperm, the societal impact of online cannabis sales and whether Indigenous people are “negatively predispose­d to cannabis, like alcohol.’’

“This document does not reflect our views,’’ Smith’s spokeswoma­n, Karine Leroux, said in a statement.

“It is inconsiste­nt with our approach to the bill, the due diligence being applied to it by our caucus, and our work with our Senate colleagues over the past number of weeks. To date, we are satisfied with the process of examinatio­n taking place on Bill C-45 and anticipate no change with the third reading vote set for on or before June 7th, 2018.’’

Carignan, who is the lead Conservati­ve senator on C-45, said in an interview that he hired Armstrong a few months ago on a short-term contract to advise him on the bill. That contract was cut short Friday.

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