Cape Breton Post

Curb anxiety, promote love of school


Does your child complain of a stomach ache every morning, hoping he has a day at home? Does she drag her heels as she gets on the school bus? Children who resist going to school might not be seeing its relevance in their lives, or they might be unsure about their abilities. As a parent, your attitude and your actions play a vital role in how your children feel about learning. Here are five ways to get your kid feeling better about school:

Marks aren’t everything — Children hate being judged solely on their marks. It’s true that results are important, but above all, take an interest in what they are learning.

Make learning fun — If your children are not succeeding because they find a subject boring, try and find out what exactly is boring them. Perhaps, there’s a way to personaliz­e the learning method or to find another angle that can make the subject more interestin­g — interactiv­e studying is just one example. Remember that it’s normal to prefer one subject over another and to not succeed equally well in all of them. It’s the same for adults!

Get involved — Your children will enjoy school a lot more if they realize that school is important to you. Be sure to attend parent-teacher meetings at the beginning of the year and consider becoming a volunteer for some school activities.

Routine is important — Help your children get into the habit of doing homework at the same time every day. Being regular will make the inevitable work seem less painful than panicking at the last minute, such as before

bed or at breakfast time the next morning.

Press the ‘pause’ button — Ensure there is some free time in your children’s schedules, so they can relax, play and reduce their stress levels.

 ?? 123RF ?? Help your children get into the habit of doing homework at the same time every day.
123RF Help your children get into the habit of doing homework at the same time every day.

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