Cape Breton Post

Pro-life supporter argues for better treatment


I write out of concern that the federal Liberals are increasing­ly treating pro-lifers as second-class citizens.

Early in 2016, the Federal Liberals boosted the Canada Summer Job Program to $113 million annually from 20162018, allowing 70,000 summer jobs for students ages 15–30. This was up from 34,000 in 2015.

That April, after MP Iqra Khalid approved pro-life groups through the program, The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, which supports unrestrict­ed abortion up to the day of birth, contested funding pro-life groups. The government said it was an oversight but no more. Oversight means, this restrictio­n was predetermi­ned but not spoken or written in the paperwork at the announceme­nt of increased funding. They then pulled funding from some already approved grants. A few of these sued the government and were reimbursed.

Employment Minister Patty Hajdu set out to change how the program was administer­ed. In April, 2017, the government advised pro-life groups they were no longer eligible for funding and in December added that applicants must sign an attestatio­n supporting individual human rights including abortion, transgende­rism, same-sex unions, etc. They stated concern for students as young as 15 being exposed through employment to prolife groups.

Also in 2017, the Liberal government announced $650 million for sexual/reproducti­ve rights in poorer countries; $241 million of it to go to abortion groups; walk out of a Status of Women meeting due to a prolife woman’s nomination to chair the committee; backed Gov. Gen. Julie Payette for deriding people who believe God created life; and appoint Sheilah Martin, the first judge to approve assisted suicide in Canada, to our Supreme Court.

In 2016, it pledged $81 million to the UN Population Control Fund, in part to fund abortions overseas; closed the Office of Religious Freedom, defending rights of persecuted religious overseas; put intense pressure on the PEI government, threatenin­g to withhold general health funding, to force them to provide abortions; and shut down debate before legalizing assisted suicide and euthanasia, refusing conscience rights.

The rise to power of Justin Trudeau’s government in October 2015 followed a campaign forbidding pro-life membership in his party. Why force through laws without allowing public debate and conscience rights? Why are they afraid of youth working with pro-lifers? Why, in a democratic country, are pro-lifers treated so badly, like they are their number one enemy?

It’s your country and mine. Democratic­ally we still have a say in it’s future. I say, reinforce democracy. Angela MacDougall Jamesville, Victoria Co.

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