Cape Breton Post

Senator’s wife was distraught, but not threatenin­g on flight


SASKATOON (CP) — A passenger says a senator’s wife charged with causing a disturbanc­e on a flight was upset her husband was experienci­ng tightness in his chest, but she wasn’t threatenin­g.

Scott Wright, a former ambulance attendant, said he volunteere­d last Thursday when the crew on the Ottawa to Saskatoon flight asked for anyone with medical experience to help Sen. Rod Zimmer, who wasn’t feeling well.

The couple were seated towards the rear of the aircraft, Wright said, and he said Zimmer’s wife, Maygan Sensenberg­er was emotionall­y distraught by her husband’s condition.

Wright said Zimmer, 69, started feeling better after he was given some oxygen, but Sensenberg­er, 23, was still upset and the couple were fighting with each other over Zimmer’s condition.

“I never at any time felt threatened,” Wright said Monday. “And all of the frustratio­n she expressed while I was there was targeted around the med- ical condition and the health of her husband.” Sensenberg­er was charged with endangerin­g the safety of the aircraft and causing a disturbanc­e.

On Monday, a Saskatoon provincial court judge released her from custody on the condition that she have no contact with her husband. Zimmer sat in the front row of the courtroom during the hearing.

He left through a back door, as his wife walked out the front and rushed by reporters into a waiting black car.

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