Calgary Sun

Turner Valley member cards eighth ace

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Bruce Gerrard can't miss, or at least it seems that way. The smoothswin­ging senior recently buried his eighth hole-in-one — and fourth in a two-season span. A longtime member at Turner Valley, Gerrard was flawless on No. 5 at his home club, sinking a sweet seven-iron from 149 yards out.

⬛ Steve Reaume will be counting any future aces on his opposite hand. Reaume drained his fifth career `1' — a perfect pitching wedge on the 120-yard eighth hole on the Mount Kidd Course at Kananaskis Country.

⬛ Brad Martin buried his tee-ball on No. 16 on the Mount Kidd layout in K-country. Eight-iron was the right call from the 158-yard blocks.

⬛ Brian Mcbeath completed his personal hole-in-one hat-trick, mastering the seventh at Silver Springs thanks to an awesome eight-iron from a distance of 152 yards.

⬛ Also at Silver Springs, Rod Durrant was one-and-done on No. 17, leaving his flat-stick in the bag after an accurate eight-iron that covered 155 yards.

⬛ Darryl Verheire capped a spin of Highwood's Spitzee Nine in fine style, acing the 107-yard finisher with one knock of a nine-iron.

⬛ Michael Lerner launched a nineiron on No. 17 at Mccall Lake and, with a bit of help from a tailwind, was right on the money from 178 yards away.

⬛ Eric Gibson will be saying only good things about his nine-iron, his weapon of choice for a 113-yard memory-maker on No. 15 at Hamptons.

⬛ Yar Kolomijchu­k was the toast of the clubhouse at Willow Park after swishing a six-iron on No. 12, which spans 189 yards.

⬛ Everett Mcdougall skipped the putting portion on the sixth at Confederat­ion, instead finding the flagstick with one thump of a three-wood from 140 yards out.

⬛ There's a spare shortie at Turner Valley that is added to the rotation when another assignment is under renovation, and Byung Tae must be a big fan of that bonus hole after a precise pitching wedge for a 105-yard beauty.

⬛ Also at Turner Valley, Dick Ho completed No. 17 with one silky swing of a four-hybrid from 171 yards away.

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