Calgary Herald


With ‘staying in’ the new normal, be inspired by summer to create an oasis ideal for nesting, write Colin and Justin.

- Watch for Colin and Justin on Cityline ( and City). Find the Colin and Justin Collection in stores across Canada. Visit colinandju­

If we learned anything from the pandemic years, it’s that restorativ­e time, chez nous, is crucially important. Hunkering down nurtured an opportunit­y to appraise our abodes under the microscope. Many of us asked (perhaps more than ever before), if we truly liked our homes. Did they deliver the feel-good factor to aid escape from a world in turmoil?

COVID lockdowns are thankfully behind us, but, as summer beckons, and the Mercury’s vertiginou­s ascent continues apace, we remain cognizant of everything we learned. Our domestic landscapes shall be forever inspired by brighter, warmer times: days where sunshine floods in to optimize beauty, comfort and an overall feeling of sanctuary. Here’s a roster of counsel to get the very best from your home as temperatur­es climb ...

Switch up fabrics: Brighten up by swapping heavy materials for lighter alternativ­es. Remove thick drapery and replace with floaty white sheers or pare back the swags and hang simple crisp blinds. Change wintry knitted sofa cushions and throws for linen and cotton options and pepper a plain scheme with occasional floral motifs to add a touch of summer. In the bedroom, layer crisp linens (Marshalls carries lovely stock), and add lamb’s wool throws for a luxurious touch.

Bright with blooms: Ditch formal arrangemen­ts for casual bunches with lots of small, delicate blooms and droopy foliage. Forgo cut crystal vases and opt for milk jugs, teapots and tins to elicit a funky farmhouse feel. The look is whimsical and colourful, and eminently more relaxed.

Back to the land: Pop a dozen fresh lemons or limes in a glass vase for a modern burst of colour in the kitchen or dress your dining table with ornamental cabbages: floral alternativ­es such as these make a lovely table centrepiec­e.

Smells like summer: Use scented candles or room diffusers. Imagine the aroma of fresh coffee, baked bread or even clean laundry: there are so many scents that make us feel happier. Visit Canapa Candles (www. canapacand­, to discover some of Canada’s sweetest hand-poured options. Crafted in Louisbourg, Cape Breton, they’re the perfect mix of fresh and invigorati­ng.

Bring the outdoors in: Indoor wicker furniture conjures thoughts of exotic terraces basking in warm temperatur­es. Select artwork featuring cottage themes or use furnishing­s and accessorie­s that have a driftwood vibe to tempt a beachy feel. Do yourself a cash-saving favour and “shop smart” in second-hand stores, yard sales and markets — and be amazed at what you’ll find. Antique garden tools, sun-baked benches and weather-beaten painted signs import a spot of outdoor escapism — inside — without breaking the bank.

Add natural elements: Hang bamboo blinds and swap heavy floor rugs for seagrass and sisal for a cool esthetic: harvest great value options at

Beach house chic is inspired by

travelled, time-worn elements, not least, painted floorboard­s with cotton rag rugs, and bird and fish motifs, all of which are emblematic of casual — over formal — decorative predilecti­ons.

A clean house is a happy house: Enliven bedding with linen water, dispensed via your iron. Hang laundry outdoors to take advantage of the warm weather (and count those hydro savings), or add summer-fragrance dryer sheets when you tumble. And let that uplifting light flood in: ensure windows are sparkling to brighten your home for free. Vinegar and newspaper, anyone? Aye, we’re such traditiona­lists.

Add some colour: The simplest way to elevate mood is to reach for the paintbrush. Be inspired by flowers, greenery and the summer sun with a tonal palette that feels fresh and seasonal. Blue and white immediatel­y suggest coastal, while pastel-painted horizontal shiplap will evoke

dreamy, clapboard New England homesteads.

At the end of the day, it’s not always about spending money ... it’s about spending time to make your home feel special. So go on: ensure your digs feel practical,

beautiful and personal ... and let that summery light shine.

 ?? HM.COM ?? Change out heavy-set pillows for a gentler lighter look, with a change of fabric and colour. Sing the summertime blues with pillows by H+M Home.
HM.COM Change out heavy-set pillows for a gentler lighter look, with a change of fabric and colour. Sing the summertime blues with pillows by H+M Home.
 ?? CRATEANDBA­RREL.CA ?? Warm up your table with accessorie­s from Crate & Barrel. Nothing says summer like beachy stripes.
CRATEANDBA­RREL.CA Warm up your table with accessorie­s from Crate & Barrel. Nothing says summer like beachy stripes.

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