Calgary Herald

CSIS director travelled to India ahead of arrests in killing of Sikh activist


OTTAWA • CSIS director David Vigneault travelled to India earlier this year to discuss the killing of B.C. Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, according to local media, but the spy agency won't confirm any details about the trips.

Several Indian news outlets reported this week that Vigneault went to India in February and March to brief Indian officials. Nijjar, who advocated for a Sikh homeland in India, was gunned down outside his temple in Surrey, B.C., last year.

In September last year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced there were credible allegation­s that the Indian government played a role in Nijjar's killing.

According to this week's media reports, Vigneault visited India twice, right before the RCMP arrested four people in connection with Nijjar's killing. Eric Balsam, a spokespers­on for Canada's spy agency, confirmed Vigneault had been to India, but did not confirm the dates or the reasons for the trip.

“Given CSIS'S mandate and specific operationa­l requiremen­ts, and in order to protect the safety and security of Canadians, we do not comment on activities of employees, including the Director of CSIS,” he said in an email. “With that said, since Canada became aware of the credible allegation­s, we have consistent­ly provided all the informatio­n we can to India on the Nijjar case, through multiple channels.”

Canada raised the killing with Indian officials, including President Narendra Modi, before Trudeau went public with his allegation. In addition to meetings between Modi and Trudeau, the PM'S national security adviser presented informatio­n to Indian government officials before Trudeau went public.

Trudeau and Modi met publicly Friday on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy for the first time since Trudeau's allegation­s.

India has denied involvemen­t in the killing and the fallout over Trudeau's charges was significan­t, with both countries calling off trade talks and 41 Canadian diplomats being sent home after the Indian government threatened to revoke their diplomatic immunity.

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