Calgary Herald

English soccer official resigns after post about Israel


A council member at the English Football Associatio­n who made an inappropri­ate post regarding the war in Gaza resigned from his position on Thursday.

Wasim Haq had been suspended for the comments he made this month on the social platform X, formerly known as Twitter, which reportedly referred to Adolf Hitler and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The post was deleted and Haq apologized.

The FA, the governing body of soccer in England, was conducting an investigat­ion.

“This morning I have resigned from The FA. I have also reiterated my apology to the Jewish community,” Haq posted on X.

“This war has left thousands dead, many of us are in despair and deeply troubled.

“I hope football can play a future role in easing tensions between communitie­s.”

Haq joined the FA Council in 2019 as a representa­tive for the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community.

He was removed from a similar role on the Lawn Tennis Associatio­n Council last week.

On Thursday, Haq shared his resignatio­n letter, sent to FA chair Debbie Hewitt.

“As someone who has worked closely with many Jewish people over the years and created meaningful and valued friendship­s, the most painful part of this process is knowing that some of those friends and colleagues may not forgive me for the misunderst­anding and hurt I have unintentio­nally caused. I take full responsibi­lity and reiterate my apology to them.

“My comment was a direct criticism of a politician, not about a race or a religious group. In expressing these feelings, I chose the wrong words entirely and that has impacted the leadership position that I hold at the The FA.” Bernd Wiesberger is returning to the European tour after two seasons in the breakaway LIV Golf series.

The Austrian golfer has had his applicatio­n for membership for the 2024 season accepted, the tour said Thursday.

Wiesberger left to join the Saudi-funded LIV circuit in 2022 but lost his contract for next season after poor results.

The European tour said Wiesberger fulfilled all sanctions imposed on him for leaving. It said his membership ended because he only played in two events in the 2023 season, the Abu Dhabi Championsh­ip and the Dubai Desert Classic.

Wiesberger has won eight times on the European tour and played in the Ryder Cup in 2021.

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