Calgary Herald

Your road trip adventure awaits in northweste­rn Nevada

Travel Nevada offers vibrant and unforgetta­ble road trip journeys across the Silver State.


Bold Canadian adventurer­s, it’s time to get a little out there for some must-experience destinatio­ns throughout the great state of Nevada.

Many Canadians love the thrill of a good road trip, especially when those adventures lead to unforgetta­ble excursions, restaurant­s and more. While there are many adventures awaiting in our own backyard, some incredibly memorable tours await in the Silver State to the south.

You can book a variety of flights from Canada to Reno, the Biggest Little City in the World, to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Once there, you can explore exceptiona­l road trips that have been carefully curated by Travel Nevada.

Vacations are meant to be enjoyed, and Travel Nevada has done all the planning for you. Detailed guides to Nevada’s most diverse scenery, eclectic towns and abundant outdoor adventures that all lie within a short drive of Lake Tahoe are available to peruse on Travel Nevada’s website. Simply grab your rental car, crank up the tunes and enjoy the iconic journey.


You’ve heard of the saying “to infinity and beyond?” In this case, the tagline is “to big blue and beyond.”

The Lake Tahoe Loop guides you on an exploratio­n of vast crystal clear waters surrounded by two alpine peaks. Dubbed “the Jewel of the Sierra Nevada,” Lake Tahoe is a year-round destinatio­n for magical memories. Stop off and dip your toes in one of the clearest bodies of water on Earth.

Lake Tahoe is a star attraction on this road trip, but it’s not the only stop on your journey. Fancy a little taste of history? Immerse yourself in the wild and western town of Virginia City. Dance the night away to the sounds of a local cowboy band inside the Bucket of Blood and visit dozens of museums and unique shops that represent over a century of history across the silver mining town.

Feeling tired after a day on the road? Stop off on the western edge of Carson Valley for a luxurious therapeuti­c rest at David Walley’s Resort. Built upon natural hot springs and mere moments from the oldest settlement in Nevada,

the resort has attracted a wonderful cast of charming characters over the years, including famed author Mark Twain. A large heated swimming pool and five separate mineral spas relax your body thanks to the calming effects of freshly pumped geothermal water.

Of course, we can’t forget about the Biggest Little City itself. Reno is the beginning and end of your Lake Tahoe Loop road trip, and there’s plenty to experience in the second most populous metropolit­an area in Nevada. The midtown district of Reno is the hippest district in town with a wide selection of bohemian arts, funky boutiques, vintage shops and music halls.


If you’re a little more pressed for time, the Burner Byway road trip is a shorter but memorable choice. The biggest highlight of this journey is the art-lined path taken by millions of “Burners” who travel to the mystical Black Rock Desert for Burning Man each year.

The Burning Man festival only lasts for about a week, but the spirit of the festival lives on in northweste­rn Nevada. Public art, museums, shops, galleries, artists’ creative muses and more keep the rich vibe of the festival burning all year long.

Before you arrive in the Black Rock Desert, you’ll stop off at Pyramid Lake and pay tribute to the Paiute Tribe’s history and culture. Home to the surreal beauty and vibrant colours of the landscape, you’ll learn how members of the Paiute Tribe lived for centuries across these lands. You can book a night at one of the camping grounds and arrange a permit to fish for Lahontan Cutthroat Trout along the shores of Pyramid Lake.

The following day, venture out to the last slice of civilizati­on prior to the Black Rock Desert in Gerlach. There, you can explore Nevada’s psychedeli­c version of Old Faithful at Fly Geyser, and you can cruise to Planet X Pottery for a solar-infused art gallery filled with paintings and pottery inspired by the untapped beauty of the desert. Later in the night, let your hair down and party with energetic locals inside Bruno’s Country Club or the Miner’s Club late into the night.


Prepare your next road trip by visiting travelneva­ to begin your adventure across golden-hour ghost towns, stunning wildlands and communitie­s rich with diverse history.

 ?? PHOTO BY SUSAN MOWERS/TRAVEL NEVADA ?? Explore vast crystal clear waters surrounded two alpine peaks on the Lake Tahoe Loop.
PHOTO BY SUSAN MOWERS/TRAVEL NEVADA Explore vast crystal clear waters surrounded two alpine peaks on the Lake Tahoe Loop.

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