Calgary Herald

Man faces charges in child's death

Case centres on five-year-old who died while in foster care

- JONNY WAKEFIELD With files from Lisa Johnson­ield

Police have laid homicide charges in the 2022 death of a five-yearold boy in foster care.

RCMP on Tuesday announced a Leduc County man has been charged with manslaught­er in connection with the death of Patience Noskiye.

Police first became involved after emergency medical services were called to the rural foster home where the child was living on June 14, 2022. The RCMP major crimes unit took over the investigat­ion as the cause of Patience's death was “unknown,” police said.

A “lengthy” investigat­ion followed, which resulted in manslaught­er charges

This situation is devastatin­g, and I know this pain and grief will linger for a lifetime.

against 47-year-old Darren Gardner laid on Oct. 14, 2023. Gardner was released from custody with an Alberta court of justice appearance set for next Thursday in Leduc.

In a written statement, Children and Family Services Minister Searle Turton said the ministry is co-operating with the RCMP probe.

“My heart goes out to every family member, friend and loved one who is grieving this unimaginab­le loss,” he said.

“This situation is devastatin­g, and I know this pain and grief will linger for a lifetime.”

The news comes just weeks after the release of Alberta's latest report on deaths in care. The report found 50 youth in care died between April 2022 and March 2023, making it the worst year on record. The total topped the previous high of 49 in 2021-22 and 34 the year before.

An additional 21 youth died between April 1 and Sept. 30 of this year. Of those, nine were young people over the age of 18 receiving supports, while seven were among youth in kinship, foster, group home or treatment facility care.

Four of the fatalities were deemed accidental, although the majority had yet to be fully investigat­ed.

A disproport­ionate number of deaths in care were Indigenous youth: 82 per cent last year, and 62 per cent so far this year, the report found.

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