Calgary Herald


Poet offers his fans ‘beautiful words’ to address the problems that plague them at night


The grieving process is strange . ... It just hits you in waves. It hits you at times you don’t expect.

Shane Koyczan realizes he was not alone when it came to having a bad year in 2018. It has, in a strange way, offered the poet a bit of solace.

The B.C.-based spoken-word artist, who will perform his one-man show on Tuesday at the Jack Singer Concert Hall as part of the High Performanc­e Rodeo, is currently touring the country with new material that sees him looking inward and outward, at both personal grief and the messy politics south of the border. At the time of this interview with Postmedia, the constant touring has given the poet a bad cold — one of the perennial downsides to crossing the country in the winter — but also the opportunit­y to bond with audiences, which has helped with his own healing process after a particular­ly trying year.

In 2018, he lost his grandmothe­r, who had been “the compass” of his life. She passed away in May. Forest fires later that summer made him feel like he was under house arrest. On a grander scale, he was bombarded with news from the U.S. about “that guy locking up kids in cages.”

“It really did feel like the end of the world was happening to me,” says Koyczan. “For me, I’m going to talk a bit about the grieving process and how I’ve been able to get through that. A lot of it is just sharing funny stories along the way. And if you get people to laugh with you, it helps fill that vacuum of when that person left in your life. I loved my grandmothe­r because she could make me laugh, so that’s important to me that I’m able to share that with other people and have them laugh as well.”

Koyczan’s work, both as a performer and a writer, has been difficult to pigeonhole over the years. A poet with a dazzling command of language, he also has a dynamic stage presence whose buoyant and musical performanc­es can be both motivation­al and humorous. The Yellowknif­e native has also arguably pushed poetry and spokenword further into the mainstream than any Canadian performer in recent memory. He provided the inspiratio­nal We Are More during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. His anti-bullying piece, To This Day, became a viral sensation on YouTube with 14 million views and was the basis of a TED Talk.

Which is not to say that Koyczan deals in flag-waving or public-service announceme­nts. His performanc­es have always been more complex, mixing the universal with the autobiogra­phical. Anyone familiar with the latter side of his work knows that his grandmothe­r was a major force in his upbringing and life. She was the first one to

give him a pad and paper and encourage him not only to write but also to pursue poetry as a career.

“I couldn’t get the right handhold on the grieving process,” he says.

“The grieving process is strange. Time gives you a bit more reflection on it, and you realize some funny things have happened along the way. Whereas there are other parts where it just hits you in waves. It hits you at times you don’t expect. It’s like a terrible landlord: ‘Rent is due right now!’ It’s like: ‘Oh sh-t, I was just about to go to work.’ ”

But Koyczan did go back to work. He has always been prolific. On his website he offers a monthly poem. He has released albums, books and e-books and maintains a busy presence on YouTube.

This year, his schedule also included a mini-tour of the U.S., which he admits he was a bit nervous about given that he pulls no punches when talking about the political turmoil that seems to have overtaken the country under President Donald Trump.

“It was received very well,” he says. “For them, I think they are like ‘All we can do is try to have a sense of humour about this as well.’”

With his growing profile comes an increased responsibi­lity for which he admits he isn’t always completely prepared. The comments beneath his YouTube videos of the inspiratio­nal How to Be a Person, which is both funny and defiant, reveal that his words can touch his fans deeply.

“This man’s beautiful words addressed nearly all of the problems that plague me at night, and this was exactly what I needed,” says one viewer. “Your words ring through my soul in ways I don’t know I can explain,” said another.

Given the topics that Koyczan has become known for addressing, whether it be bullying, depression, loneliness and healing, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the responses his work has received.

“There is a weight that comes with somebody saying ‘You’ve saved my life,’ “Koyczan says. “I don’t take that as a throwaway sentence. That’s a heavy thing to lay at anyone’s feet. So I take a lot of responsibi­lity for the stuff I put out there.

“Sometimes you get letters from people you never hear from again and you’re just left wondering what happened to them because it sounds like they were out on a ledge.

“I think it’s like any job, there are parts you don’t expect. So I’ve had to learn that through the process of my career. My career is rewarding in a lot of ways and it also offers me a lot of the opposite of that as well. It offers me a lot of sleepless nights and it offers me a lot of depression when you hear from kids who think they are alone and that there is no answer.

“All I have is the resources that everybody else has, where it’s like ‘here are the numbers. I don’t know if I’m the right person to talk about this stuff.’ It’s strange when people start to treat you as the confession­al.”

 ?? HIGH PERFORMANC­E RODEO ?? Shane Koyczan feels a weight when he hears from fans who say he saved their lives, “so I take a lot of responsibi­lity for the stuff I put out there.”
HIGH PERFORMANC­E RODEO Shane Koyczan feels a weight when he hears from fans who say he saved their lives, “so I take a lot of responsibi­lity for the stuff I put out there.”

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