Calgary Herald

Trump to hold public address on border

Aims to break stalemate over shutdown

- Felicia Sonmez and joSh dawSey

WASHINGTON • President Donald Trump is ramping up his efforts to make a public case for his border wall as the partial government shutdown is now in its third week, planning a prime-time address Tuesday night and a visit to the border Thursday.

Trump announced the news of his presidenti­al address in a Monday tweet.

“I am pleased to inform you that I will Address the Nation on the Humanitari­an and National Security crisis on our Southern Border,” he said. “Tuesday night at 9:00 P.M. Eastern.”

Earlier Monday, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders announced Thursday’s trip to the border.

“President @realDonald­Trump will travel to the Southern border on Thursday to meet with those on the frontlines of the national security and humanitari­an crisis,” she said.

The presidenti­al speech and visit come amid the continuing shutdown and Trump’s insistence that any funding bill to reopen federal agencies include US$5.7 billion for his border wall.

Trump made his first visit to the border as president 10 months ago. During that trip, Trump toured 30-foottall steel and concrete prototypes of the border wall in California and strongly condemned jurisdicti­ons that offer “sanctuary” to undocument­ed immigrants.

The White House on Monday did not immediatel­y release details on the site of Trump’s planned visit. But the Federal Aviation Administra­tion issued a notice that airspace in the McAllen, Texas, vicinity would be restricted on Thursday due to a “VIP movement.”

The border city of 142,000 people is home to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility where migrants who have crossed illegally into the U.S. have been detained.

Trump and congressio­nal Democrats remain at an impasse on crafting a deal to reopen the government, which is in its 17th day of a partial shutdown. Democrats, who retook control of the House last week, have passed measures that would fund the federal agencies affected, but Trump has balked at any legislatio­n that does not meet his demand for wall funding.

Trump has said in recent days that he might seek to unilateral­ly secure border wall funding by declaring a national emergency, a move that experts say would be of questionab­le legality.

 ??  ?? Donald Trump
Donald Trump

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