Calgary Herald

Canada’s big corporatio­ns team up to help AI startups

Program to encourage ‘competitiv­e advantage,’ prevent brain drain

- CLAIRE BROWNELL Financial Post cbrownell@nationalpo­

In an effort to forge partnershi­ps in a sector that will affect every industry, some of Canada’s largest corporatio­ns are contributi­ng to a $5 million fund for artificial intelligen­ce startups.

At a panel Wednesday to celebrate the launch of the program, called NextAI, executives from Royal Bank of Canada, Magna Internatio­nal Inc., Bank of Nova Scotia and the Business Developmen­t Bank of Canada investment arm BDC Capital laid out their vision for how artificial intelligen­ce can transform their businesses. They’re providing funding with no strings attached to the program, which will provide artificial intelligen­ce startups with $200,000 in addition to access to technology, mentorship and education.

Artificial intelligen­ce, also known as machine learning or deep learning, is a method of training computers to learn like children by processing huge sets of data with software that mimics the neural networks in the human brain. Machine learning is already powering algorithms that allow Netflix Inc. to predict what a user will want to watch next, help doctors diagnose diseases by comparing thousands of similar medical images and help autonomous vehicles decide how to react to objects in their paths.

Don Walker, chief executive of the auto parts manufactur­er Magna, is particular­ly interested in the latter applicatio­n. He said he’s contributi­ng to NextAI because cementing Canada’s status as a leader in the field benefits not only his own company, but the entire economy.

“We have some of the brightest AI people in the world coming from Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. The concern is, the best people in the field are being hired away to Silicon Valley,” Walker said. “We can keep Ontario and Canada one of the leaders in the world in artificial intelligen­ce, which I think will give us a competitiv­e advantage.”

The companies contributi­ng to NextAI are essentiall­y making donations, taking no equity and making no formal partnershi­p agreements with the companies. Walker said Magna and the other companies do plan to present the startups with artificial intelligen­ce problems to solve that are relevant to their businesses.

Anthony Lacavera, chairman of Globalive Capital and co-chair of NextAI parent organizati­on NEXT Canada, said the program’s major objective is to prevent the brain drain of Canada’s most talented software engineers. Canada was home to the researcher­s who kick-started today’s artificial intelligen­ce boom and Canadians have already built many successful companies in the field, but the country risks losing its lead, Lacavera said.

“Canada has a small, but fleeting, competitiv­e advantage in AI,” he said. “How do we get people to build the companies in Canada? How do we get them funded?”

Michael Zerbs, executive vicepresid­ent and co-head of technology at Scotiabank, said he thinks artificial intelligen­ce can help the bank improve its customer service. He gave the example of a customer who is late with a credit card payment, with artificial intelligen­ce able to analyze past payment patterns and determine whether the most effective action is a phone call, a request to come into the branch or simply leaving the client alone.

 ?? JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? The interface is shown for a humanoid robot called Roboy, which was developed at the Artificial Intelligen­ce Laboratory of the University of Zurich.
JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES FILES The interface is shown for a humanoid robot called Roboy, which was developed at the Artificial Intelligen­ce Laboratory of the University of Zurich.

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