Calgary Herald

It’s not the time for Notley’s NDP to stay silent on the trade deal

Focus needs to be on what’s best for Alberta, not on potential federal rift

- GRAHAM THOMSON Graham Thomson is an Edmonton Journal columnist.

It might not be the shortest news release ever from an Alberta government, but it’s got to be close.

Just 40 words in two sentences — pretty much a tweet — from Alberta’s minister of agricultur­e and forestry, Oneil Carlier.

The topic: the Alberta government’s response to Canada signing on to the monumental trade deal known as the Trans- Pacific Partnershi­p, or TPP.

“Alberta is a trade- focused province and we support the responsibl­e growth of trade opportunit­ies for our export sectors.

“This is a wide- ranging agreement that we need to review in detail before we know what the overall consequenc­es are for Albertans.”

In other words, we’ll get back to you.

Given that details of the yet-toberatifi­ed trade deal among 12 countries — including Canada, the U. S., Australia and Japan — are hugely complex and, up until now, hugely secret, it’s only reasonable that Alberta would want time to think it over.

But that’s only part of the reason the Alberta government has election- onset laryngitis.

The NDP government doesn’t want to say or do anything that would trip up federal NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair in the final two weeks of the election campaign.

That’s why the Alberta NDP government is not releasing its provincial budget, with an expected $ 6 billion- ish deficit, until Oct. 27 — eight days after the federal election.

Look at what happened last week when Rachel Notley said Mulcair’s proposal for a federal cap- and- trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions “may not be our best road forward.”

Notley was rewarded with stories of a “rift” between her and Mulcair. Her subsequent attempts to explain that she liked Mulcair’s overall plan, but not enough to sign on to it, didn’t make things any better. Now we have the TPP. On the surface, the deal would seem to be good news for Alberta by helping promote sales of our beef, grains and lumber.

You’d think the Alberta government would be a little more enthusiast­ic, especially an NDP government trying to defy the stereotype­s and cast itself as a friend of business, trade and profits.

The problem for Notley is that Mulcair — trying to win support in vote- rich, up- for- grabs Central Canada — is critical of a deal that is not so good for the automobile manufactur­ing sector and is making dairy farmers nervous.

That’s why Mulcair is saying things like this: “If Mr. Harper has signed a deal that takes away supply management, hurts the farming families, hurts autoworker­s, the NDP is not in any way shape or form bound by what Mr. Harper negotiated without a mandate in the dying days of his awful 10- year rein in Canada.” What’s an NDP premier to do? Keep her mouth shut and let her cabinet colleagues say as little as possible. Here is Finance Minister Joe Ceci on Monday, managing to sound exactly like the agricultur­e minister: “This is a wide- ranging agreement, and really, we need to see the full details of which before I can know what the overall consequenc­es are for Albertans.”

But what if the deal is in the best interest of Alberta?

What if defence minister and Calgary Conservati­ve candidate, Jason Kenney, is right when he says, “This is going to create tens of thousands of new jobs, perhaps even more, especially in places like Alberta, where we have so much in terms of export industry”?

Alberta’s NDP government should have its experts working round the clock to pore over the TPP and give us an answer before the election.

If Kenney is right and Mulcair is wrong, the Alberta government should trumpet that fact from the top of the legislatur­e.

Which is what it would do for sure — if not for that bad case of election- onset laryngitis.

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