Calgary Herald


Some things need to be experience­d to be truly understood. In a special series, Calgarians share their stories of personal triumph, near tragedy and sheer, exhilarati­ng thrill.


Way back in the 1980s, Wayne Pearson was hanging out on a Bulletin Board System, a pre- Internet chat room connecting a local group of Calgarians.

A much slower system than what people are used to today, the group of regulars who logged on to the chat room — known as Viewline — created and used insider lingo filled with abbreviati­ons and shortcuts to speed up the interactio­n.

Pearson remembers his friend Sprout, a frequent Viewline member, telling a joke. Then, Pearson made history.

“You used to just type ‘ hahaha’ really fast so that you would let them know that was very funny in a timely manner but, whatever he had said,” Pearson explains, “it had me bursting out laughing, almost to the point of embarrassm­ent at doing so in a house, by myself, sitting at a computer.” “LOL,” Pearson typed back. Sprout asked what on earth that meant. Pearson explained that he had literally laughed out loud.

“Basically, I coined it right there,” he says.

Like many other acronyms conceived on Viewline, LOL became commonplac­e among the small group of Calgarians. But no one else knew about it.

Later, as technology continued to develop and broader internatio­nal services came about such as CompuServe, GEnie and AOL, the Calgary Viewliners branched out, integratin­g themselves with other communitie­s of people on these snazzy new systems. They brought their lingo with them.

“They asked of course what ( LOL) meant, we explained it and then they went and furthered it,” Pearson says.

“Rolling on the floor laughing or the other variances of LOL, many of them were born by them. They sort of took it and went with it, so ROFL is the one I definitely remember coined right there in front of me — and obviously seeing the results of some absurd extensions to ROFL.”

Those chat rooms were still relatively small, so Pearson and his Viewline friends didn’t give much thought to their terms spreading. Then, suddenly, LOL was popping up in random places, such as in 1997, when Pearson was playing an Internet- based video game.

“I finally realized, ‘ Wow, this is crazy. This is how far this has gone,’” he says.

“There was definitely some awe about that ... You kind of got used to that little insular group using it and then you have to wonder, new people that I see who are playing their games somewhere else in America, could it be that they know one of these 30 people ( from Viewline)? How many steps did that go through and how many other communitie­s did that hit? I’m sure the first time I saw it, I sort of shook my head and did a double take.”

LOL is now a common term across the Internet and beyond.

Pearson, a 44- year- old IT consultant who still lives in Calgary, says some people have trouble believing he coined the acronym, but he doesn’t know of anyone else who claims to be the LOL founder. He’s been credited on websites such as KnowYouMem­e. com and by news outlets such as the BBC and Slate with the original usage.

Now, when Pearson encounters the term online or in text messages with friends, it can be frustratin­g. Like any inventor, he wishes his creation had maintained its original intent.

“It used to bug me in a silly way,” he says. “Years ago, I’d probably try in vain to correct people and say, ‘ Well, did you really laugh out loud? You should just say ‘ hahaha’ ... I think the early adopters — myself, obviously — would reserve it for when they actually did laugh out loud.”

Pearson says LOL is also supposed to be typed in all uppercase letters, given that it’s an acronym and that it’s meant to portray “the bursting out of laughter.” It should also never be used in place of punctuatio­n, he cautions.

Oh, and LOL absolutely does not mean “lots of love.”

Despite the transforma­tions of the term, Pearson just has to shake his head and LOL.

“Why should it bug me? Words change all the time,” he says with a laugh. “I have a linguistic­s degree, I should know better.”

 ?? COLLEEN DE NEVE/ CALGARY HERALD ?? Wayne Pearson is acknowledg­ed to be the first person, way back in the 1980s, to use the now common term “LOL” — an acronym for “laugh out loud” — in response to an online message.
COLLEEN DE NEVE/ CALGARY HERALD Wayne Pearson is acknowledg­ed to be the first person, way back in the 1980s, to use the now common term “LOL” — an acronym for “laugh out loud” — in response to an online message.

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