Calgary Herald


In an era of short attention spans, this collection works as a fluid vision


Mike Edel has learned the importance of trusting the experts.

Except when the experts are entirely, totally and utterly wrong.

Then it’s time to trust your own instincts or those of the people who know you best, which were probably right in the first place.

Take, for example, the song Julia, which is featured on the Victoria- based roots artist’s latest album India, Seattle and which is undoubtedl­y a highlight on the record. It’s a gorgeous tune, with a big, wonderful, singalong chorus that also happens to name- check the Alberta city he grew up an hour outside of.

Trouble is, it probably should have been a highlight on Edel’s last record, The Last of Our Mountains.

“The guy who was originally going to produce it, he said to me, and I won’t mention his name — Neil Osborne, from 54- 40 — he said, ‘ You know, I don’t think you can say Calgary in a chorus. It just sounds awkward to me,’ ” the songwriter relates.

“And I think as someone that’s trying to listen to people and take advice, I thought, ‘ Oh, OK, maybe he’s right.’ …

“Now I’ve picked this song up three- and- half- years later because one of my best friends was like, ‘ That song Julia had a great chorus. You should just record it.’ And so I ( did).”

Glad he did. It’s one of many gems on the prairie- born, ocean-sprayed and sun- kissed collection of folk- pop offerings, which he’ll release with a pair of Ironwood shows in that city of song Thursday and Friday night.

And, Edel admits, it was also a song that guided much of his thought process when it came to India, Seattle, in that it taught him to not only trust those aforementi­oned instincts but to also view music, his music, outside of the context of everything else.

He says finally recording Julia reinforced in him the idea of being true and honest to the work, and the work alone.

“Seeing music in this day and age, seeing art in this day and age in a positive light and just for art’s sake I think it’s gotten tougher but I think it’s so important,” he says.

Not surprising­ly, he calls his second full- length “a very specific and personal record to me,” one where the stories and experience­s are from his life, but lend themselves to a broader, more embraceabl­e reading.

He offers as an example the song The Closer, which describes his childhood memories of being a seven- year- old, hopping into the family pickup truck and driving from their rural Alberta farm into town to watch his brother’s baseball game through the chainlink fence. It’s something many North American’s can, on some level or in some parts, relate to, even if you insert hockey, football, figure skating or any other sport into it.

It helps, too, that that singular and specific story — and those that inspired Julia, first single East Shore West Shore and the rest of the 11 songs that make up India, Seattle — are given such a warm, wistful and welcoming sound and feel from Edel and his band, as well as producer Colin Stewart ( Dan Mangan).

It doesn’t sound like a collection of memories, but rather a fluid and uniform vision, something Edel admits is what he was aiming for.

“The record as a whole is very important to me. And I think here in 2015 we lose that a lot … because people have a short attention span. It’s about threeanda- half minutes, or, heck, three minutes and the single,” he says.

“I was making this record for myself. I was doing what I wanted to do for myself. I was making art. Very much this record is pretty honest. Even though it’s folk songs, it’s a pretty artful record.”

He points to some of the similarly structured albums that influenced him over the years, those with “great songs on them, but great records” such as the Counting Crows August and Everything After and Death Cab For Cutie’s album Plans, which he considers one of his favourites and perhaps one of the most inspiring in his collection.

At this point, it would be somewhat fitting albeit perhaps rubbing it in to note that Death Cab’s 2005 release Plans features a song called I Will Follow You Into the Dark, which includes a shout- out to, you guessed it, this city.

“Exactly,” Edel says with a laugh before pointing out that soon after taking that one expert’s advice four years ago another offered his own.

“Bon Iver came out with the single for ( their Bon Iver, Bon Iver) record and it was called Calgary. And I was like, ‘ Oh, my God.’”

 ??  ?? Victoria singer- songwriter Mike Edel remembers his Alberta roots on new album, India, Seattle
Victoria singer- songwriter Mike Edel remembers his Alberta roots on new album, India, Seattle
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