Calgary Herald


Why leaving Canada makes sense for a younger, more skilled Alberta


U. S. forecaster Peter Zeihan, a former geopolitic­al analyst with the security firm Stratfor, has spent his career trying to predict the future of tumultuous states — recently, he’s turned his gaze to North America. Now, his latest book, The Accidental Superpower, takes a bleak look at the direction of the world in general. Among his speculatio­ns, the future of Alberta in Canada.

Q Tell me about your book as a whole.

A The global system as we understand it is highly artificial. The United States created it after the Second World War to fight the Cold War. We introduced this concept of free trade that allowed anyone we were friendly with to trade with anyone else we were friendly with — the U. S. guaranteed the security of the oceans, it would open its markets, it would patrol the Middle East and make sure energy could get to where it needed to go. The American system expanded peace and prosperity throughout the world in a way the human race had never experience­d before. But we did it to contain the Soviet Union. Since the Cold War ended, the U. S. has been withdrawin­g from that system.

Q Why?

A Two big things. The first is shale oil — the U. S. will be energy independen­t by the end of 2016. Shale is severing the strongest link between us in North America and the rest of the world. The Middle East is becoming someone else’s problem.

The second piece is demographi­cs. The percentage of Americans who are baby boomers is smaller than the equivalent cohort elsewhere. Every other country ( except New Zealand) has a much larger population hitting mass retirement, and you’ve got all the financial problems that come with that.

Q Amid this interestin­g geopolitic­al shift, you devote a chapter to Alberta’s possible secession.

A Canada’s demographi­c situation is similar to the rest of the developed world — a large population moving toward retirement and hardly any young people in the replacemen­t generation coming up.

However, Alberta does not fit that mould. It is the youngest province, and is becoming younger, better paid and more highly skilled as the rest of Canada becomes older and less skilled, and a ward of the state financiall­y.

But really, it comes down to demographi­cs. Right now, every man, woman and child in Alberta pays $ 6,000 more into the national budget than they get back. Alberta is the only province that is a net contributo­r to that budget — by 2020, the number will exceed $ 20,000 per person, $ 40,000 per taxpayer. That will be the greatest wealth transfer in per capita terms in the Western world.

Q So this is a conversati­on about secession to the U. S.?

A Alberta as an independen­t country doesn’t solve a huge number of problems. If it left Canada, its currency goes through the roof because all it has is oil exports, and that would drive agricultur­e out of business. It would be a one- horse economy in a very short time. Seceding to the U. S. becomes the only political and economic option. If you do that, the inflation issue goes away, the tax problem goes away, the security problem goes away. Alberta gets everything it says it wants out of Canada within the first year of joining the U. S.

Q Do you think the Americans would have us?

A Americans have a reputation for being ignorant and shortsight­ed, but I would be stunned if there was a single person in Congress who would think this a bad idea.

 ??  ?? In his new book, geopolitic­s expert Peter Zeihan, below, says Alberta would be better off joining the U. S.
In his new book, geopolitic­s expert Peter Zeihan, below, says Alberta would be better off joining the U. S.
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