Calgary Herald

Shaw pitches national news

Likely would use assets of local TV stations it owns


Shaw Media is making plans to launch a national TV news channel called Global News 1.

In filings to the CRTC, the media division of Calgary-based Shaw Communicat­ions, which operates Global Television, says it wants to launch a “hybrid local/national” English-language news channel.

A brief outline of the plans were included in Shaw’s submission to the broadcast regulator as part of the CRTC’s formal consultati­on on the evolution of the broadcasti­ng sys- tem. If approved, cable and satellite companies would have to offer their customers the option of subscribin­g to the new Global channel, though it would not be a mandatory part of basic cable packages.

Shaw told the CRTC that its applicatio­n will be for “a service that will expand and diversify the amount of news and informatio­n-related programmin­g in the Canadian broadcasti­ng system.”

“There is no specialty news service that currently provides such a service in this country, namely the provision of uniquely local reflection,” it added.

While Shaw didn’t outline exactly how its proposed news channel would operate, it’s likely the company would tap into the assets of numerous local TV stations it owns across the country. Shaw also operates a regional news channel in British Columbia called Global News BC 1.

Under its planned business model, the national news channel would help financiall­y support local programmin­g, Shaw told the regulator.

A spokeswoma­n for the broadcaste­r declined to discuss the plans until after the licence applicatio­n is finalized. Last week, the CRTC wrapped up a formal interventi­ons process on the future of Canadian television.

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