Calgary Herald

Rodeo-themed experience a big hit with visitors

Mechanical bulls prove to be a fun favourite


New attraction­s and old favourites delighted visitors on Day 1 of the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.

Following the annual parade, crowds descended on the Stampede grounds, where they found a few new experience­s.

“We try to keep Stampede fresh for everybody every year,” said Stampede spokespers­on Jennifer Booth.

Changes at the 102nd version of the event include the new Agrium Western Event Centre, a newly located and improved kids’ midway area, and a new food and drink venue, which seats 1,000, called Triple B.

As well, Nashville North has been moved to a new home, just beyond the Olympic Way gates.

“It creates more of an entertainm­ent zone, where adults can go to play,” Booth said of the popular watering hole’s new digs.

The new Nashville North is where the kids’ midway used to reside, and the improved kids’ midway area, which now includes muttonbust­ing and a kids’ pedal tractor pull, is adjacent to the Agricultur­al Pavilion.

Booth said visitors appeared to be enjoying the new layout.

“The changes are being quite well received,” she said.

In front of the grandstand, the brand new rodeo-themed experi- ence Triple B proved to be a big hit on Day 1 of the Stampede.

Crowds took in barbecue, beer and two mechanical bulls at the aptly named Triple B on Friday afternoon.

“That was lots of fun,” said Colleen Wallace, after her first ride on a mechanical bull.

Wallace managed to hold onto the mechanical animal for some time and she said the ride wasn’t that difficult.

“I ride horses, so it’s not like I’ve never been on something that moves,” she said.

But Harold Slater, who rode beside Wallace, didn’t agree.

“It was very hard,” he said with a laugh.

Wallace said the $15 fee to ride the bull was well worth it. “I would do it again,” she said. As music blared and the smell of barbecue wafted through the air, John Liu and Yuanyi Zhang laughed as they watched people of all ages give the mechanical bulls a spin.

The pair, both from China, said they wouldn’t be trying the mechanical animals.

“It seems a little dangerous,” said Zhang.

While crowds flocked to the Stampede’s new attraction­s, old favourites — such as the midway and various food vendors — were also busy on Friday.

“There’s a great response to food on sticks,” said Booth.

Booth said officials are excited to welcome more people to the Stampede grounds, to take in new and old attraction­s in the coming days.

“Day 1 has been great so far, and we’re anticipati­ng nine more,” she said Friday evening.

 ?? Jenn Pierce/Calgary Herald ?? Patrick Cote rides the one of two mechanical bulls at the Stampede on Friday. The bulls, along with other new attraction­s and old favourites kept the crowd happy on the first day of the event.
Jenn Pierce/Calgary Herald Patrick Cote rides the one of two mechanical bulls at the Stampede on Friday. The bulls, along with other new attraction­s and old favourites kept the crowd happy on the first day of the event.

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