Calgary Herald

Foreign ministers set plan for Ukraine ceasefire


BERLIN — Foreign ministers from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France agreed Wednesday on a series of steps for a resumption of the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, where fighting between government troops and pro-Russia separatist­s has taken more than 400 lives since April.

The steps include reopening talks no later than Saturday “with the goal of reaching an unconditio­nal and mutually agreed sustainabl­e ceasefire” to be monitored by the Organizati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe, their declaratio­n said.

Fighting in eastern Ukraine has increased since a much-violated 10day ceasefire expired late Monday. Four Ukrainian troops were killed as government forces attacked rebel positions, a military official said.

Russia supported the proposal to give Ukrainian border guards and OSCE representa­tives access to Russian territory to take part in controllin­g two border crossings once the ceasefire is in place, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after the talks in Berlin.

Border posts have become a key issue because Ukraine and the United States say military equipment and reinforcem­ents are flowing across the border from Russia. Moscow denies arming the rebels.

Asked whether Russia has any influence over the rebels, Lavrov said “we have possibilit­ies to influence those who defend their families, their soil and their territory.”

Lavrov stressed that Russia would not allow the ceasefire to be used to give the military time to regroup and bring in reinforcem­ents.

The ministers’ declaratio­n specifical­ly states that the ceasefire negotiatio­ns will be handled by the so-called contact group, something Russia has insisted upon. The group, which already has held two rounds of peace talks, includes Ukrainians trusted by Russia, the Russian ambassador and separatist leaders.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed hope that the group would meet before Saturday, calling it “a first and an important step.” It wasn’t clear where the meeting would take place.

 ?? Dmitry Lovetsky/The Associated Press ?? A pro-Russian fighter guards his block-post near Luhansk, eastern Ukraine on Wednesday.
Dmitry Lovetsky/The Associated Press A pro-Russian fighter guards his block-post near Luhansk, eastern Ukraine on Wednesday.

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