Calgary Herald

Lido adds charm to Kensington

Classy condominiu­m complex rises on neighbourh­ood’s historic cafe site


A Kensington couple was on the brink of considerin­g, just maybe, downsizing to another community when along came Lido by Battistell­a.

After more than two decades of living in the vibrant inner-city community, Ann Casebeer and Cam Waddell didn’t relish uprooting themselves from their neighbourh­ood.

“We were looking for something that is not a starter place. We want something smaller than what we have, but we couldn’t find any- thing suitable,” Waddell says. “There were a lot of two-bedrooms, but they were small. We finally found this place that advertised three bedrooms. It was what we were looking for in terms of size, convenienc­e and, frankly, finding places for all the stuff we have collected over the years. The downsizing thing is a major piece.”

Lido is a 60-unit, mixed-use condominiu­m developmen­t in Kensington, a project by Battistell­a Developmen­ts, on the corner of 10th Street and 2nd Avenue N.W.

... we want to downsize, but not downgrade ANN CASEBEER

While they initially investigat­ed the three-bedroom units, Waddell and Casebeer opted for a two-bedroom unit of about 1,400 square feet.

“The units on the southwest corner, the large two-bedrooms, caught our eye because they are a good size and there’s a good-size den in them,” says Waddell, adding that they like the sunny exposure.

“The particular unit we bought has a large outdoor deck area.”

Casebeer appreciate­s Battistell­a’s reputation as builder, the design of Lido and all the interior touches.

“We’re in a time of our life where we want to downsize, but not downgrade,” Casebeer says.

“It’s just a win-win. We’ll be moving from a really lovely home into a really nice condo and be able to stay in the neighbourh­ood.”

Through the years, they have witnessed Kensington changing, evolving and growing.

“Change is hopefully progress. Certainly the building is conscious of maintainin­g a piece of the history. Even the name, the Lido, and they are trying to incorporat­e a cafe,” says Casebeer.

The Lido was a legendary Kensington eatery where the new Lido condo building will be built. Casebeer and Waddell had eggs and toast there on occasion, though their four children frequented it regularly.

“We have been watching a lot of proposed developmen­t and we’ve seen the street landscape change, with some of those small houses going,” Casebeer says. “That’s sad, but it’s a vibrant neighbourh­ood that is going to sustain and grow, and that’s good for all of us who live here. It’s important that we have inner-city neighbourh­oods that are about families with schools and people of all diversity and age. That’s one of the reasons we like Kensington.”

The ground floor of Lido will feature retail shops and cafes, while the second floor will be a boutique hotel, says Traci Wilson, director of marketing and sales at Battistell­a Developmen­ts. The City of Calgary will have public parking on the first level of the undergroun­d parkade, with the lower two levels for owners. There are five floors of residentia­l units above the hotel, with one- to threebedro­om offerings ranging in size from 430 square feet to 1,500 square feet.

“These condos were designed to make the most of each space, to not have narrow hallways and to make sure that the bedrooms were big enough to fit king-sized beds,” Wilson says. “Most of the units are two-bedroom or bigger. We’ve had a lot of people looking for bigger units, either because they are downsizing from big homes or upsizing from smaller condos.”

Two-bedroom units are from 900 square feet to 1,400 square feet. Three-bedrooms are 1,500 square feet, while the three-bedroom penthouse is about 1,650 square feet. Finishing comes in three different mid-century glam themes, flooring is a durable hybrid plank and the kitchens have gas ranges and Fisher and Paykel appliances.

“The kitchens are designed to flow into the living space, to make the kitchens actually look like furniture pieces. On the island, there is a built-in dining room table that can seat six people on three sides,” Wilson says.

One-bedrooms start in the $240,000s, two-bedrooms start in the $530,000s, and three-bedrooms start in the $900,000s. Monthly condo fees will be about 49 cents per square foot. Lido will be graced by a landscaped, rooftop garden patio. Each unit, except the small onebedroom­s on the third floor, come with a parking stall.

Kensington is a community Casebeer and Waddell look forward to living in for years to come.

“Some of our kids were young when we moved here and they were able to walk to school. All those things made our life easier. It is a neighbourh­ood where you can age in place and still feel a part of it,” says Casebeer.

 ?? Gavin Young/Calgary Herald ?? Longtime Kensington couple Ann Casebeer and Cam Waddell have purchased a two-bedroom unit in the new Lido by Battistell­a Developmen­ts, which is slated to start constructi­on this year. The condo is going up at the corner of 10th Street and 2nd Avenue N.W.
Gavin Young/Calgary Herald Longtime Kensington couple Ann Casebeer and Cam Waddell have purchased a two-bedroom unit in the new Lido by Battistell­a Developmen­ts, which is slated to start constructi­on this year. The condo is going up at the corner of 10th Street and 2nd Avenue N.W.
 ?? Photos: Battistell­a Developmen­ts ?? An artist’s rendering illustrate­s the brightly lit Bauhaus-style kitchen at Lido by Battistell­a in Kensington.
Photos: Battistell­a Developmen­ts An artist’s rendering illustrate­s the brightly lit Bauhaus-style kitchen at Lido by Battistell­a in Kensington.
 ??  ?? A bright, Glam-style great room will invite gatherings with friends and family at Lido by Battistell­a.
A bright, Glam-style great room will invite gatherings with friends and family at Lido by Battistell­a.
 ??  ?? A Bauhaus-style master bathroom will grace units at Lido by Battistell­a.
A Bauhaus-style master bathroom will grace units at Lido by Battistell­a.

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