Calgary Herald

Weather hurts Agrium

Cost to expand Potash mine rises to $1.9B


CALGARY — Nasty weather is driving up costs at Agrium’s potash mine expansion in Saskatchew­an and making it more difficult for the fertilizer maker to get its products to market.

On a conference call on Friday, company executives said the cost of the Vanscoy project, southwest of Saskatoon, has risen by 25 per cent over the original estimate of $1.5 billion. That brings its price tag close to $1.9 billion.

Ron Wilkinson, who is in charge of Agrium’s wholesale division, said Saskatoon suffered through temperatur­es colder than minus 30 degrees Celsius for much of December, while high winds have made work even more difficult.

“It’s been extremely hard to make progress in those conditions while we have a full workforce on site. So productivi­ty has been extremely poor,” he said.

Constructi­on is about 65 per cent complete on a project that is expected to boost production capacity at the mine by 40 per cent by 2015.

“At this point, this is our best estimate. We’ve got a huge focus on contractor productivi­ty going forward and obviously there’s some risk there, but we’re confident we can hold it at this number,” said Wilkinson.

Calgary-based Agrium said it’s keeping its eye on another weatherrel­ated challenge — getting its crop nutrients to customers by rail.

Snow and cold have slowed rail shipments. That, combined with last year’s bumper crop of grain in Western Canada and several other factors, has led to a traffic jam on the tracks. Farmers have argued grain shipments are not as high a priority to rail companies as other products, like oil.

Western Canadian growers produced 75.9 million metric tonnes of grain last year, nearly 40 per cent higher than the five-year average, Alberta’s premier said Friday in pushing for improved rail service.

“The weaknesses in our grainhandl­ing transporta­tion system need to be fixed,” Alison Redford said in a release.

Later Friday, Alberta Agricultur­e Minister Verlyn Olson told reporters the logistical problems moving grain and other commoditie­s by rail are not getting better and he will address solutions with his federal and provincial counterpar­ts.

Olson said one key step is to make sure there is “greater financial accountabi­lity” for railways, given that all other shippers and grain handlers along the line are punished financiall­y for delayed service.

Earlier this week, Hunter Harrison, the CEO of Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd., said his company is working on easing the grain backlog, but it can’t “push the envelope” in bad weather conditions.

“You cannot run a train down the side of a mountain at 40-below safely ... We’ve got a lot of employees that have had frostbite from getting out in this weather ... When the weather gets like that, with an air brake system, your capacity is virtually cut in half,” he said.

Agrium relies on rail to export its product to the U.S. and overseas, via export points like the Port of Vancouver. The poor weather, and the railways’ efforts to balance all of their customers’ needs, means some of Agrium’s crop nutrients haven’t been able to move. And that’s had a bit of an impact on the amount it’s been able to produce, CEO Chuck Magro told reporters.

“We’re talking to all of our supply chain partners. So far, things look a little bit better in February, but it has impacted our business, not only in sales, but we have lost production because we didn’t have enough movement to keep our production plants running at full rates,” he said.

“So we’re hopeful that the worst is behind us, but it is a balancing act that I think the railroads are really struggling with.”

On Thursday, Agrium posted a drop in net earnings to $99 million US, or 66 cents per share.

That’s a big drop from $354 million US, or $2.34 per share, in the same period a year earlier, as the company saw a 25 per cent price drop in potash, phosphates and nitrogen.

 ?? Canadian Pacific ?? Agrium relies on rail companies like Canadian Pacific, above, to export its product, but bad weather conditions are affecting railroad service.
Canadian Pacific Agrium relies on rail companies like Canadian Pacific, above, to export its product, but bad weather conditions are affecting railroad service.

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