Calgary Herald

Former PM calls Spence ‘an inspiratio­n’


Chief Theresa Spence has found a powerful ally in another former prime minister.

Former Liberal prime minister Paul Martin, who visited Spence in her teepee on Victoria Island Saturday, told CTV’s Question Period that the hunger-striking Attawapisk­at chief is “an inspiratio­n to all Canadians.”

“It was a very good meeting,” Martin said, “She really is an inspiratio­n. I just told her that … she’d become really an inspiratio­n for all Canadians and that we were obviously concerned about her health and that she’s got to take care of herself.”

Martin, prime minister from 2003 to 2006 is the second former prime minister to meet with Spence.

Last week former Progressiv­e Conservati­ve prime minister Joe Clark met with Spence, then expressed concern Canada and First Nations are headed in a “dangerous direction.”

Spence’s strike has become the focal point for Idle No More, an aboriginal rights movement that has garnered momentum among Canada’s First Nations and received support from federal Opposition parties, several major unions, religious groups and academics.

Spence has lived on tea, fish broth, water and some vitamins since she started her strike on Victoria Island on Dec. 11 in hopes of forcing Harper into talks with aboriginal leaders.

She has vowed not to eat solid food until she gets a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper to discuss a host of First Nations concerns, including contentiou­s changes to the Indian Act included in the government’s omnibus budget Bill C-45, which was approved by Parliament in December.

On Friday, Harper agreed to meet with aboriginal leaders on Jan. 11 to discuss their ongoing treaty concerns and to soothe rising tensions. A spokespers­on for Spence said Friday she will continue her hunger strike until the Jan. 11 meeting, which she is expected to attend.

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 ?? Postmedia News/ Files ?? Paul Martin is the second former prime minister to meet with Chief Theresa Spence. Joe Clark was the first.
Postmedia News/ Files Paul Martin is the second former prime minister to meet with Chief Theresa Spence. Joe Clark was the first.

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