Calgary Herald

Donna Lamb’s Driving Journal


Day 1

Picked up a dark grey 2012 Impreza sedan just outside of the city during a hailstorm, which then changed to heavy rain. The instrument panel was easy to use so I could just drive away after adjusting the mirrors. Worried about crossing Hwy. 1 with fast traffic and wet roads but the Impreza rapidly merged into the traffic with the help of all-wheel drive. Wipers were adequate and my first impression was favourable.

However, when the dash lights came on, the numbers on the dash glowed pink — these were difficult to see due to poor contrast with the black dials.

Day 2

Looked at the manual to see if I was missing out on any features of the car. Drove to work and really appreciate­d the good visibility the car has when changing lanes in traffic. Unique placement of mirrors allowed me to see the road very easily. Coming home up Sarcee Trail, the car had no problem on the long hill.

Day 3

Drove to work and then went grocery shopping. There are no shopping bag hooks or nets in the trunk for groceries. Trunk is sizable.

Day 4

Went to work and then downtown for a movie. The Impreza was easy to park on the street. It has a nice tight turning circle which is great for parking and sharp corners.

Day 5

Errands around town. Getting quite comfortabl­e with the car!

Day 6

This was my road trip day — drove to Canmore to meet with friends for lunch. The cruise control and volume buttons are all raised rather than flat and round. You don’t have to look at the controls to change them which is an excellent safety feature. Cruise was smooth on the hills without any surging. Our friends admired the exterior lines of the car — it looks great! They checked out the back seat and found plenty of room for two passengers.

On the return to Calgary, my husband rode in the back seat by choice and had a very comfortabl­e ride and good visibility. The car was buffeted in the open areas of the highway as the body seemed fairly light.

Day 7 & 8

Just to and from work, and then returned the car. Traffic was stop and go and the car just idled quietly. Overall, the Imprezza was a great drive.

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