Calgary Herald

Pack your bags for these great summer getaways


Looking for summer vacation ideas? Here are some vacation ideas to consider:

Morgan Bay Resort, St. Lucia

For a holiday that includes spectacula­r reefs, a lush rainforest and the world’s only drive-in volcanic crater, visit this tropical gem where steep coastlines give way to a turquoise seascape. The all-inclusive, beachfront Morgan Bay Resort is offering a St. Lucia Dream Deal. Expect water sports, including water skiing, sailing, snorkeling and jet boating as well as tennis, entertainm­ent, and comprehens­ive kids and teen club activities. Meals and drinks are included in the per person price of $119 per adult and $50 for children per night. Ask about other promotions that include airfare credits of up to $1,000. Book before May 30 for stays through the end of the year.

Contact: 1-800-858-4618; Eliteislan­

Lake Powell, Page, Ariz.

Shared by northern Arizona and southern Utah, this adventure lover’s playground boasts nearly 3,200 kilometres of shoreline notable for its small inlets, canyons and coves. The popular recreation area was created when the constructi­on of the Glen Canyon Dam stopped the free flow of the Colorado River. Today, multicolou­red rock formations rise from the blue-green water. Rent a houseboat for your crew or reserve a larger craft for a reunion or group of family friends. Fill your days with swimming, wakeboardi­ng and hiking. Nightfall brings a magnificen­t canopy of stars.

Contact: 1-888-261-PAGE (7243); pagelakepo­welltouris­ For boating informatio­n, go to antelopepo­intlakepow­

New Mexico

From cattle drives to cultural events, join New Mexico in a celebratio­n of its centennial this summer through the end of 2012. Hike red canyons, raft the Rio Grande, ride horses through the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and fly-fish the Cimarron River.

Take in Native American ceremonies, steep yourself in the state’s rich artistic heritage and sample traditiona­l cuisine. Attend a world-famous opera or chamber music performanc­e, or don your boots and head to the rodeo. After your trip, enter the Get the Picture photo contest for a chance to win $10,000.

Request a free visitor guide to aid in planning.

Contact: 505-827-7336;

A ranch holiday

The modern-day guest ranch provides all the time in the saddle you could want, paired with warm Western hospitalit­y, rib-sticking food and activities designed to please every member of the family. A good choice for multigener­ational gatherings, days spent fishing, hiking, swimming, attending local rodeos or joining in a roundup or cattle drive will create plenty of smiles and lasting memories.

Many ranches now offer spa treatments, art and cooking classes, as well as time to relax on the porch in a rocker or in a hammock under a tree.

Contact: 1-866-399-2339;

 ?? Herald Archive, Suzanne Ahearne ?? Ranch holidays are an ideal multi-generation­al holiday. Choose from activities such as a cattle drive or learning new skills such as roping.
Herald Archive, Suzanne Ahearne Ranch holidays are an ideal multi-generation­al holiday. Choose from activities such as a cattle drive or learning new skills such as roping.
 ?? Herald Archive ?? Cruise Lake Powell in Arizona on a rented luxury houseboat like this one with a seven-person hot tub on the top deck
Herald Archive Cruise Lake Powell in Arizona on a rented luxury houseboat like this one with a seven-person hot tub on the top deck

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