Calgary Herald




Back in 1984, when Ronald Reagan was about to run for his second term in office, Republican­s were arguing about how to run against Democratic nominee Walter Mondale, who had proposed tax increases.

Administra­tion officials, led by Bob Dole, wanted to make the following pledge: “We therefore oppose any attempts to increase taxes which would harm the recovery.”

Newt Gingrich, then a young rabble rouser, wanted to go farther, and he attacked Dole as “the tax collector of the welfare state.”

The Republican­s compromise­d by inserting a comma in the sentence, so that the pledge ruled out all tax increases: “We therefore oppose any attempts to increase taxes, which would harm the recovery.”

That comma is the punctuatio­n point that separates traditiona­l conservati­ves — who sometimes increased taxes — from modern conservati­ves, who won’t agree to them under any circumstan­ces. They want, as Grover Norquist put it, government “down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.”

The no-tax-increase position is now dogma — 95 per cent of Republican congressme­n have signed Norquist’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge — but it is worth recalling that conservati­ves arrived at this position out of frustratio­n with their inability to sell the public on spending cuts.

Reagan put it this way in 1982: “There were always those who told us that taxes couldn’t be cut until spending was reduced. Well, you know, we can lecture our children about extravagan­ce until we run out of voice and breath. Or we can cure their extravagan­ce by simply reducing their allowance.”

It’s known as “starving the beast.” Rather than doing the politicall­y painful work of cutting spending, you cut taxes and increase public debt to the point where it is necessary to cut spending to keep the repo men at bay.

Unlike Reagan, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has never publicly discussed his “starve the beast” plan, but it’s pretty clear that that’s what he’s doing.

His former chief of staff, Tom Flanagan, described it as the prime minister’s longterm plan: “First depriving the government of surpluses through cutting taxes . . . and then it makes it easier to make some expenditur­e reductions.”

Last month, Harper announced that the federal government will reduce the six per cent escalator on health transfers after 2017, and in Davos, Switzerlan­d, last week, he signalled that changes are coming to Old Age Security.

It is not shocking that Harper downplayed his plans during the campaign.

In 1993, Jean Chretien promised to reduce the deficit without explaining how he would do it. He then forced cuts on the provinces, downloadin­g the pain.

In comparison, Harper’s health plan provides for continued (though shrinking) increases. Critics complain that the money has no strings attached, so Ottawa will play less of an oversight role, leaving that task to provincial voters.

And while the opposition has been attacking Harper on OAS, Harper’s plan seems to be to reduce payments for future recipients, likely people who are now in their 40s or 50s.

I’m not sure that’s fair, since my generation will pay for better benefits than we will receive, and the details may reveal a cynical play on intergener­ational politics, but it won’t be as gloomy a scenario as the opposition suggests.

Independen­t analysis shows, though, that Harper is exaggerati­ng the urgency of the problem. Current OAS payments are sustainabl­e, if they are a priority.

But Harper wants smaller government, and he will marshal the arguments that will help him sell his vision.

He is creating private instrument­s — the taxfree savings accounts and pooled pensions — to encourage individual­s to take responsibi­lity for their own retirement­s, and will point to public debt to say that changes to public systems are not just desirable, but absolutely necessary.

Last month, Harper told Calgary radio host Dave Rutherford to expect “fairly aggressive action” to “position this country for growth over the next generation.”

That sounds like more radical surgery than the inefficien­cies he blandly discussed during the campaign.

It may mean cuts to employment insurance and equalizati­on.

Having starved the beast, Harper may now be ready to climb into the cage and take on the weakened creature more forcefully.

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