Calgary Herald

Stamp honours legendary cowboy John Ware

Former slave was successful Alberta rancher


Canada Post is recognizin­g iconic cowboy and pioneer rancher John Ware with a commemorat­ive stamp.

It’s one of two stamps issued to celebrate Black History Month. The other one is a tribute to Viola Desmond, a civil rights beacon in Nova Scotia.

John Ware’s name has come up several times, said Joy Parks, a researcher with Canada post. “when we delved into the story a little bit more, and found the connection to the Stampede It was just the perfect year to do this with the centennial this year.”

Ware was born into slavery in South Carolina about 1845 and worked cotton fields as a child.

He was freed following the U.S. Civil War and eventually made his way to the Foothills of Alberta in 1882.

He establishe­d a ranch and started competing as a steer wrestler, winning the event at the 1893 Calgary Fair. Ware helped pioneer rodeo tech- niques that would become staples of the Stampede.

When he died in 1905, ware’s funeral was one of the biggest Calgary had ever seen.

The stamp, designed by Victoria artist Lara Minja, contains an image of the deed to Ware’s land.

“He hadn’t been a free man for very long, and to own land as a free man is definitely a milestone in his life,” Parks said.

Although Ware died before the Calgary Stampede was launched, his achievemen­ts as a cowboy and rancher tie in with this year’s centennial celebratio­n. A stamp celebratin­g the centennial will come out this year.

Calgary playwright, author and historian Cheryl Foggo said she’s delighted Ware is being recognized by Canada Post.

“He was kind of a larger-than-life figure,” Foggo said. “He was so skilled as a horseman, and a cattleman, and a businessma­n and a people person. He’s very deserving of being honoured with a stamp.

“And it’s a really good way of raising awareness. I’m always surprised by the people I meet who still haven’t heard about him, even though there’s been a lot written about him.”

 ??  ?? Canada Post has created a stamp to commemorat­e Alberta cowboy John Ware.
Canada Post has created a stamp to commemorat­e Alberta cowboy John Ware.
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