Calgary Herald

Mission Road makeover a distant possibilit­y


Any Cinderella makeover for Mission Road is likely years away, no matter how many conditions council places on redevelopm­ent for a long-neglected stretch of that inner-city artery.

It’s now a collection of postwar duplexes and a large vacant lot.

Landowners have plans for townhouses and apartments, but community members and city-funded consultant­s have other ideas.

Their plan is for small cafes and stores, tree-lined sidewalks and laneway housing. It would cost up to $25.6 million for upgrades to the streetscap­e and other infrastruc­ture.

On Monday, many aldermen were wary of embracing the bold ideas for turning Mission Road into a Main Street.

“What kind of developmen­t can we afford?” Ald. Gord Lowe asked.

The landowners had warned that a dramatic conversion might not be viable economical­ly — even though retail consultant­s for the city project said Mission Road had great potential.

However, Steve Sparks, spokesman for the landowners group, said he had no set timeline to develop if the rezoning applicatio­n for four-storey residentia­l buildings went through. A project would likely be two years or more away, he said.

A public hearing at city council on the two competing visions will continue today.

But while neighbouri­ng community leaders praised the consultati­on they participat­ed in, they decried the consultant­s’ plans for five-storey buildings on Mission Road.

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