The Phnom Penh Post

Health Ministry’s disease control department warns of flu season

- HongTholly Sonit

THE Ministry of Health’s Communicab­le Disease Control Department (CDC) has warned the public to beware of the seasonal strain of influenza H1N1, also known as “swine flu”, during the current rainy season.

It said there has been a rise in the number of people infected with it during the current rainy season.

The announceme­nt, posted on the CDC website and Facebook page on Friday, said an outbreak of H1N1 had occurred in an unnamed neighbouri­ng country, which subsequent­ly spread to the Kingdom.

By using the influenza surveillan­ce system, the CDC had been alerted to numerous cases of patients infected with it and found that at least some of them have been confirmed as H1N1 infections. However, none were considered serious.

There was an outbreak in Cambodia in 2009, and by 2012 the virus had mutated into a more dangerous strain that resulted in multiple deaths.

Because it is the rainy season now, there is an increased risk of getting infected with H1N1, which health authoritie­s are concerned might develop into H3N2, H2N2, and influenza types B and C, said the CDC.

Influenza can be especially dangerous for certain groups of people, such as children under five-years-old, pregnant women, adults over 65years-old and those suffering from chronic illnesses.

To prevent contractin­g the flu, the CDC recommends washing hands frequently with soap or using hand sanitiser and staying at least one metre away from those infected.

It also advised those who have been infected to wear masks and frequently wash their hands to stop its spread.

The symptoms of the flu include having body temperatur­e over 38.5 degrees, coughing, having a sore throat and experienci­ng fatigue.

The ministry advised the public on flu treatments, including taking medicine, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, reducing outdoor exercise and eating foods containing vitamin C.

It also recommends people not use antibiotic­s as it won’t help kill the virus, but would instead leave the patient weaker and slow down the recovery process.

Those who experience the flu symptoms are advised to visit the nearest hospital if their condition worsens or they don’t recover in three days.

Ministry of Health spokesman Ly Sovann could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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