The Phnom Penh Post

FBI Deputy Director McCabe, a target of Trump, steps down


THE FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, is stepping down after President Donald Trump accused him of being a Democratic partisan, a government source confirmed on Monday.

McCabe is stopping work immediatel­y but will remain on the FBI payroll until March to obtain retirement benefits, the source confirmed.

McCabe, 49, was expected to leave sometime early this year when he became fully eligible for a pension, after two decades in the bureau.

The New York Times reported that McCabe had hoped to stay active in his position up to his retirement, but was pressured to leave earlier by FBI Director Christophe­r Wray.

Wray, who was appointed by Trump in August, had not intended to include McCabe on his revamped management team, according to the report. McCabe was a career FBI official, not a political appointee.

The FBI had no official comment. White House spokeswoma­n Sarah Sanders said Trump had no role in the move.

“The president wasn’t part of this decision-making process,” Sanders said.

Comey loyalist

The early departure comes after McCabe endured months of tough criticism from Republican­s for his loyalty to fired FBI director James Comey and alleged bias against Trump.

Comey himself praised Mc- Cabe’s FBI service, saying he “stood tall over the last eight months, when small people were trying to tear down an institutio­n we all depend on”.

“I wish Andy well. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI. America needs you,” Comey added in a tweet.

McCabe and Comey had key roles in the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, which ultimately cleared the Democrat of criminal wrongdoing in her misuse of a personal email server while she was secretary of state.

The president has repeatedly assailed that decision as wrong, and recently released text messages between two investigat­ors involved in the Clinton probe that showed them strongly opposed to Trump.

An FBI inspector-general is currently investigat­ing the handling of the Clinton case.

McCabe and Comey were also involved in the initial stages of an ongoing investigat­ion into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russians during the election, which Trump calls “fake news”.

Angered by that investigat­ion, Trump fired Comey on May 9.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo told the BBC in an interview aired on Monday that he expects Russia to try to meddle in the US congressio­nal election in November of this year.

“I haven’t seen a significan­t decrease in their activity,” Pompeo said. “I have every expectatio­n that they will continue to try and do that.”

McCabe became acting FBI director and days later, in testimony to Congress, he rebutted Trump’s claim that Comey had left the bureau “in turmoil” and had lost the confidence of the FBI staff.

Comey “enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does”, McCabe said.

Accusation­s of bias also arose from McCabe’s wife having run as a Democrat for local Virginia political office as a Democrat in 2015, receiving financial support from the party. In July 2017, Trump questioned why Attorney General Jeff Sessions did not dismiss him.

“Why didn’t AG Sessions replace Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a Comey friend who was in charge of Clinton investigat­ion but got big dollars ($700,000) for his wife’s political run from Hillary Clinton and her representa­tives,” he wrote on Twitter.

Trump named Wray the new FBI director in August, and kept up the pressure on McCabe. He tweeted again in December about McCabe’s wife, and his role in the Clinton probe. He added a hint that McCabe was soon to depart, before it was publicly known.

“FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!” Trump wrote.

Republican legislator Matt Gaetz called McCabe’s move “a step forward” for the FBI.

“The past several weeks and months have seen worrisome evidence of bias and wrongdoing at the FBI come to light,” he said, referring to the investigat­ors’ anti-Trump text messages.

But McCabe retained strong support from within the Justice community, and Democrats have called Trump’s pressure part of a broader campaign to tarnish the bureau and weaken the Mueller investigat­ion.

 ?? JIM WATSON/AFP ?? Then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testifies before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on May 11.
JIM WATSON/AFP Then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testifies before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on May 11.

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