The Voice (Botswana)


Govt announces “Chema Chema Fund” with P200 million capital injection


As the informal sector continues to play a pivotal role in the local economy, government has seen it fit to extend a helping hand with a creation of a revolving fund dubbed “Chema Chema Fund”

Presenting the 2024/25 budget speech at Parliament buildings on Monday, Minister of Finance, Peggy Serame, said the fund will start with an initial capital injection of P200 million.

“We believe there is great potential for the informal sector to play a more meaningful role in overall economic developmen­t and job creation. This new fund is aimed at fundamenta­lly transformi­ng the informal sector and creating more employment opportunit­ies,” said Serame.

Preliminar­y data by Statistics Botswana has indicated that the informal sector contribute­d 3.2 percent to economic growth in 2023. Statistics Botswana’s (2018) Botswana Multi-topic Household Survey Report 2015/16 indicates that the total number of informal businesses in Botswana was 105 445, 55.5 percent of which were in households headed by males while 44.5 percent in households headed by females.

Most of the businesses 49 946 (47.4 percent) were in the wholesale and retail trade industry, followed by manufactur­ing with 14.8 percent and real estate with 11.0 percent. Informal sector activities tend to be more concentrat­ed in urban villages and cities, and towns, recording 48.8 percent and 26.7 percent respective­ly.

The total estimated number of persons employed in the informal sector was pegged at 191 176.

In addition, the 2019 informal sector strategy will be reviewed and implemente­d during the next financial year and it will consider how government can facilitate the provision of decent places of operation for informal businesses, provide capacity building that is essential for skills enhancemen­t, improve market access and find ways to incorporat­e the sector into the mainstream economy.

Further, the government will establish an intellectu­al property Motshelo scheme and Intellectu­al property ideas incubation centre to support indigenous reserves and innovation.

“In addition, the budget recognises agricultur­e as one of the critical sectors in our economy because of the business and export potential it promises as well as its centrality to livelihood­s. Therefore, to diversify the economy and create sustainabl­e jobs, we must strive to make agricultur­e more productive and appealing to the youth,” said Serame, encouragin­g all aspiring entreprene­urs, innovators to take advantage of the new fund.

 ?? ?? HAWKERS: P200 million windfall
HAWKERS: P200 million windfall

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