The Voice (Botswana)



(21 March - 19 April)

A friendship and possibly a romantic relationsh­ip may be on your mind a lot this week, Aries, and that may be because there seem to be a blending of the two – either wanted or unwanted. A line may have been crossed either by you or by the other party. Or the hints might be far more subtle than that. If you do want a relationsh­ip to go beyond the realm of friendship, make that clear. And obviously, if you do not want that change to happen, say so gently, but say so.

(20 April - 20 May)

A friend or loved one that you see as somewhat eccentric may encourage you to escape from your comfort zone this week, Taurus. They may be urging you to be less convention­al in your approach to a new endeavor, and this may be a bit exciting. Dare to be bold, an you may find that this is an excellent chance to release some of your inhibition­s. You may have a discussion about money this week with a partner.

(21 May - 20 June)

A few new opportunit­ies may come to you this week, Gemini. Although this may be overwhelmi­ng, you probably will not want to turn anything down since you don’t know when it could happen this way for you again. However, it might be wiser to first assess what you can realistica­lly handle, then choose only what you feel is absolutely best for you before proceeding. You may discover that you disagree with a spouse or a close friend on something you thought was copacetic. But don’t allow those difference­s to create a conflict.

(21 June - 22 July)

Your quirks and idiosyncra­sies may be on your mind this week as you step into a world that is a bit new for you, perhaps connected to your work or some other aspect of your life where you hope for approval. But don’t focus on what separates you from others or on what makes you feel insecure, dear Moonchild. Focus instead on common threads, and take it from there. Someone may be judging you on your stability, and although you are very stable, there are those who judge such things on how emotional a person is. Keep your feelings in check.

(23 July - 22 August)

This week, Leo, you may find yourself craving greater distance or freedom from a situation, a place, or even a relationsh­ip. This desire could cause you to feel like a restless lion trapped in a cage. You just need to get out and go off and be alone. That’s a fine idea. You may find though, that once you do escape from whatever it is that has you feeling trapped, you will realize there are simple things you can do to make things better. Pursue those thoughts.

(23 August - 22 September)

Even though you can be very confident in yourself, Virgo, you do not always have great confidence in your romantic life. Because love is such a cherished aspect of who you are, you sometimes worry too much, question too much, or become overly analytical about your mate or about your prospects for love. This week, this may come to the forefront in a conversati­on related to your love life. Whether you are single or attached, this is a time to begin building a foundation of greater respect for your worthiness in this part of your life.

(23 September - 22 October)

You may discover this week that an assignment or an endeavor you have taken on has limitation­s you knew nothing about, Libra. There may be a lot of pressure to restrict yourself in the way you carry out what you promised, which may be causing you a lot of stress and strife. You may not think you can do this with the rules you must conform to. But if you try to look at this as a challenge rather than an oppressing experience, you may surprise yourself as you discover that you could come up with creative solutions.

(23 October- 21 November)

An unexpected change in your status quo could leave you feeling stressed in the beginning of the week. You may have had some very specific plans for how things would go, and now you may feel out of kilter. Howj ever, if you take an attitude of going with the flow, you should find that the changes you find exasperati­ng could actually be quite good for you. Let it ride! You may be planning on making a purchase that involves an upgrade to something you already possess..

(22 November- 21 December)

This week may find you a bit more laid back and quiet than you usually are. This is a time of introspect­ion for you, Sagittariu­s, for there are many important events and turns in the road just ahead of you. You do have a lot to think about it, but be careful about getting too somber as you contemplat­e your future. You actually have many wonderful adventures to look forward to, and approachin­g this critical time with a skip in your step is the best way to go.

(22 December- 19 January)

As you endure some conflict from the people that surround you, it may cause you to feel on edge at the start of the week. Even though this conflict does not involve you directly, Capricorn, you may take it to heart and therefore suffer from the tension that surrounds it. You need to separate yourself from this right away, and let those who are involved figure it out for themselves. Don’t let it affect you. You may draw a lot of compliment­s this week for some latent talent you rarely express.

(20 January - 18 February)

You are quirky, Aquarius, but people who have visionary abilities usually are. You can see and notice things that other people can’t see because you look beyond the obvious. This week, pay extra attention to your dreams and the more unusual thoughts that come to mind, for you may find a lesson for someone in your life. And even though they know you are a bit eccentric, you may be able to successful­ly deliver a message they have been waiting for this week.

(19 February - 20 March)

You may be feeling a bit bolder and braver than usual, Pisces, and suddenly this week, an idea you had written off is looking a lot more appealing. Although you don’t stick to convention­al things per se, you may have thought that your idea would have been judged harshly for its seemingly unrealisti­c elements. This could be a good exercise in building confidence, since you may find a very receptive audience if you can gather the courage to discuss what you are thinking about.

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