The Monitor (Botswana)

Yo ur Stars


Taurus 20 Apr - 20 May

Gemini 21 May - 20 Jun

Cancer 23 Aug - 22 Sep

A prominent male author whose work you enjoy might publish a new book. You may consider doing some writing of your own, particular­ly if you have a story to tell. On a more mundane level, your day could require that you spend a lot of time in the car.

Good news regarding writing, speaking, or publishing could come your way today. You might feel terribly bored with life and suddenly have the urge to get away for a while. This isn’t a bad idea, Taurus. Make a few phone calls. Invite a friend over and discuss it with him or her.

Paperwork regarding a bonus, settlement, or dividend of some kind might need to be executed today. It will probably be boring. You will get it done. Sudden insights, revelation­s, or flights of fancy might provide fodder for creative activities, particular­ly writing or speaking.

Strained nerves and trepidatio­n about unpleasant tasks could have you on edge and likely to take your stress out on those closest to you. Try to avoid this, Cancer. Go for a walk. Release your stress through exercise or writing.

You might feel overworked today. Your energy could be flagging, and you may even feel feverish. This is probably nothing more than stress, Leo. Most likely you should take time out from your busy life and relax. Spend the afternoon at the movies.

Today you’re apt to feel especially romantic. Novels, movies, and poetry about love will be appealing. If you’re currently romantical­ly involved, consider planning a special evening with your partner. If you aren’t involved, you might want to attend a sporting event.

A rush of activity at home is probably going to involve preparatio­ns for a journey or event. More than one visitor could arrive during the course of the day. Your mind may be going in several different directions, and this could prove a bit disconcert­ing.

You may experience increased physical and mental activity today. Perhaps you will have to do a lot of reading or writing very quickly, make a number of phone calls, or run more errands than you have time for. This can prove frustratin­g and overwhelmi­ng.

You might discover a hidden talent for writing, or if you already know this, you may find that your skill is greater than you suspected. You might have to execute some paperwork regarding money, Sagittariu­s, but you will get this done quickly and efficientl­y.

You might feel on edge today but not know why. You may jump at unexpected noises or think you see or hear things that aren’t there. You aren’t going crazy. This is caused by the current planetary configurat­ion. The best way to relieve the jumpiness is to get some exercise - at least take a walk.

You may wonder if you’re losing your memory today. You might have the strange feeling that there was something you had to do but can’t quite remember what. Don’t worry about it, Aquarius. If you push yourself too hard, you will drive yourself crazy.

Today you might have to do a lot of communicat­ing with friends. Perhaps you need to make phone calls or catch up on correspond­ence. You may be on the verge of attaining a goal. Consider giving it that last little spurt of energy to complete.

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