The Monitor (Botswana)

Your Stars



23 Aug - 22 Sep


23 Sep - 22 Oct


Sagittariu­s 22 Nov - 21 Dec 22 Dec - 19 Jan

Aquarius 20 Jan - 18 Feb


With intimate relationsh­ips, you may feel the need to step back into your private bubble more often. For single Rams, an attraction to the mysterious could lead you on a wild goose chase—or down a troubling rabbit hole. Be strategic about how much you reveal and what you keep to yourself— especially regarding shared resources.

Just don’t go digging up skeletons, especially if you agreed to leave those issues buried for good. than you think, especially if you’re feeling bored, frustrated or cooped up in your shared space. When Mercury’s retrograde, a tiny bit of tension can quickly escalate into an all-out war. - tematic sixth house, then, on October 27, backs creative expression. During this cycle, commit to taking excellent care of your well-being. We’re talking on every level, here: emotionall­y, physically, mentally, spirituall­y. - ing you with attention, noble gestures and thinking clearly—especially if enough time has passed for you to forget all the reasons this didn’t work out the last time around. This might just be a test from the universe.

People will be charming, telling you what you WANT to hear, while obscuring certain details. Lies by omission or just oversights, it behooves you to do your own independen­t research. Family and close friends may be the hardest ones to read a favorite relative?

Because this three-week cycle is notorious for crossed signals and the disappeari­ng data, be doubly mindful of what you put in writing and how you - peat things back to you. Build in extra time for project deadlines and for transporta­tion, and keep that spare in the trunk.

By now you probably know the drill with Mercury’s signal-jamming backspin. If you don’t stay vigilant, it can wreak havoc on your administra­tive world. Do does it feel like you’re spinning plates? At home, friends asking for a favor?

While miscommuni­cations might be the comical or truly enraging norm, this introspect­ive cycle can be great for reviewing your front-facing image. Are people getting a clear read of your personalit­y? Are your capabiliti­es shining through? Now’s the time for a deep dive into your style and messaging. Explore possibilit­ies from every vantage point. - ing and letting go—or preparing to do so before Mer1. Do you want to cut any cords, Archer? Or is there a chance you can still strengthen the ties that bind? By the time the retrograde ends on November 3, you could gain internal clarity about the right choice

Reserved Capricorns take time to open up, which is why friends from back in the day hold a special place in your heart. Maybe it’s time to get the band back together (at least on Zoom) or re-activate your membership in an organizati­on that once held a special place in your heart. Reunion plans could quickly take shape.

Before you reach for the next rung, pause and review your strategy. Are you following someone else’s model instead of creating one that works for YOU? Do you need to tighten up the basics or give yourself a more realistic timeline for production? And moreover, are you charging enough for your services?

There’s nothing wrong with calling it like you see it, Pisces. When your easygoing sign is actually passionate enough to chime in, it’s bound to be a cause November 3, appearance­s can be deceiving. There are bound to be more nuances than meet the eye. Before casting judgment, deeper research.

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