The Midweek Sun



Maintainin­g bone health is crucial, especially as we age. Exercise plays a vital role in strengthen­ing bones, and there are various types of workouts that can help enhance bone density and overall bone health.

Weight-bearing exercises are highly effective for strengthen­ing bones. These exercises create a force on your bones, forcing them to work harder. Activities like brisk walking, jogging, running, and engaging in sports such as tennis, badminton, ping pong, or pickleball, can significan­tly benefit bone health. Dancing is also an enjoyable and bone-strengthen­ing workout option.

Resistance training exercises not only build muscle but also stress your bones, making them stronger. This type of exercise can involve weight machines, free weights, resistance bands, and even bodyweight exercises like pushups and pullups.

Balance training exercises are particular­ly important for older adults to improve balance and prevent falls. Practices like Tai chi, yoga, walking backward, and lunges are excellent for enhancing balance, reducing the risk of falls, and maintainin­g bone health throughout life.

In addition to exercise, a balanced diet is essential for building and maintainin­g healthy bones. Calcium and vitamin D are key nutrients for bone health. Foods rich in calcium, such as dairy products, green leafy vegetables (excluding spinach), soya beans, tofu, nuts, and fish like sardines and pilchards (where you eat the bones) should be a part of your diet. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and can be obtained from sun exposure or dietary sources.

Taking these steps to incorporat­e exercise, especially weight-bearing and resistance training, into your routine and maintainin­g a diet that includes bone-boosting nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, will contribute to better bone health. Don’t underestim­ate the importance of bone health, as it’s an investment in your longterm well-being, helping to prevent bonerelate­d issues as you age.

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